
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

dating-humor funny dating memes dating memes relationship-jokes funny memes Memes sarcastic-couples funny funny-couples dating wholesome-couples - 20073733

The Funniest Dating Memes of the Week for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband asking whether it would be okay to ask his wife to lose 60 pounds before letting her come with him on a trip to Japan | Thumbnail includes a picture of a mountain and sakura trees in Japan and a screenshot of text 'To give an idea, I'm currently 240lbs and 6'0", she's 260lbs and 5'9". I want to tell her if she can get to 200lbs by Christmas, I'll let her go with me. I have some rare control of the situation because I need to sign off on paper'

'If she can do it by Christmas, I'll allow her to go with me' : Entitled Husband Plans to Ask Wife to Lose 60 Pounds Before Letting Her Join Him on a Trip to Japan So That She Can Blend In with the Crowd

13 screenshots from a Reddit post about a boyfriend who got his friend a very thoughtful gift but claims weaponized incompetence every single time he needs to get his girlfriend a gift | Thumbnail includes a picture of gift presents with pink and blue bows and a screenshot of text 'AITA for "using weaponized incompetence" when getting gifts for my girlfriend? My girlfriend was there during this whole display and didn't say much. She went home early while I stayed the night with my friend.'

AITA : Girlfriend Upset as Boyfriend Gives Thoughtful Gift to Friend but Claims Incompetence When Buying Gifts for Her

The Big Debate: Who Pays On a First Date? Answered in 25 Tweets | Thumbnail includes tweet ' a woman should never'

The Big Debate: Who Pays On a First Date? Answered in 25 Tweets

20 screenshots from a Reddit post where women commented heartwarming stories about the sweetest things men have told them in order to ease their anxiety in bed | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a woman on a bed a screenshot of text 'nowyougotblues 18 hr. ago He said, "I love your scent." He also told me that he did the sign of the cross and thanked the Lord when he saw my figure during doggy style.'

20 Heartmeltingly Considerate Things Men Say to Ease Women's Anxiety in the Bedroom

'You're A Walking Red Flag... I'm Blocking You, NOW': Woman Loses It on Dude She Hasn’t Been on a Single Date With, Accuses Him Of 'Cheating' Via Messages, Ruins His Birthday

'You're A Walking Red Flag... I'm Blocking You, NOW': Woman Loses It on Dude She Hasn’t Been on a Single Date With, Accuses Him Of 'Cheating' Via Messages, Ruins His Birthday

22 funniest sassy girlfriend memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Ashton and Mila Kunis having dinner and a picture of a small dog wrapped in a green blanket and wearing glasses 'When he finds out all you needed was food to get rid of that attitude Coming back into the room after I completely overreacted'

20+ Relatably Sassy Memes for Ladies Who Get Extra Spicy When Hangry

22 Memes for Girls Who Are Crazy in Love With Their Man | Thumbnail includes nemo 'after babe kisses'

22 Memes for Girls Who Are Crazy in Love With Their Man

20 Memes That Only Single Moms Who Date Will Understand | Thumbnail includes meme ' dating a single mom be like'

20 Memes That Only Single Moms Who Date Will Understand

20+ Heavenly Memes for Single Ladies Embracing the Solo Life in Eden (April 9, 2023)

20+ Heavenly Memes for Single Ladies Embracing the Solo Life in Eden (April 9, 2023)

21 ‘Me and Who’ Memes That Will Make You Think of That Special Someone | Thumbnail includes travis barker 'me n who'

21 ‘Me and Who’ Memes That Will Make You Think of That Special Someone

25 Funny Memes for Girls Who Always Seem to Date the Wrong Guy | Thumbnail includes bull 'my spirit animal'

25 Funny Memes for Girls Who Always Seem to Date the Wrong Guy

20 funny and cringey memes about love and PDA | Thumbnail includes a picture of a small girl crying and a picture of a builder man laying horizontal on tools 'Me bc i can't be his balls and hang with him all day "Shi* I'm over here building houses got me thinking I could build a future with you... this could be our house boo"'

20 Cringey Couple Memes for PDA-Prone Partners

21 wholesome and hilarious husband memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a human hand reaching out to a monster and a picture of a cat sitting in a man's arms and looking up at him with a suspicious look 'When your girl is on her period but you got them snacks, pills, movies and extra affection up your sleeve. This the look your girl gives you every time a guy does something romantic on tv'

21 Funniest Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (April 9, 2023)

20+ Tweets for Huffy Couples Who Are Legally Bound to Love Each Other

20+ Tweets for Huffy Couples Who Are Legally Bound to Love Each Other

dating memes boyfrined funny memes relationships Memes girlfriend couples-who-roast funny funny-couples dating relationship memes dating-jokes - 20023557

21+ Wittiest Dating Memes from the Week for Funny Couples Who Love to Roast Each Other