
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

21 sassy memes for sarcastic couples in long-term relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of an orange cat standing and screaming at a sink full of dishes while wearing a pink apron, thumbnail also includes a picture of a father and son standing and holding up a blue sign '"I ALWAYS DO EVERYTHING IN THIS DAMN HOUSE " My wife hates being embarrassed, so we surprised her at the airport WELCOME BACK FROM PRISON MOM'

21 Long-Term Relationship Memes for Sarcastic Couples Who Finish Each Other's Sentences

21 funny and relatable memes for when you start dating someone new | Thumbnail includes a picture of Emma Roberts and Natalie Portman posing for the camera and a screenshot of a text conversation 'my two extremes oversharing not talking New Relationship be like: Seen Sarcasm O 1:54 PM Just drinking water. Aa What you doin? Please be careful.'

21 Fresh Dating Memes That Perfectly Capture the Excitement of a New Love Connection

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread of women discussing their 'undateable' qualities | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a woman sharing an embrace on the street during the season of fall 'beelovedone. 15 hr. ago I don't care how good a man you are, I'm gonna always assume you'll cheat given the opportunity. Maybe it's toxic, idk. I don't assume he IS cheating, I just assume it's not beneath him lol'

Women Get Vulnerable and Open Up About Their 'Undateable' Qualities

47 funniest memes about being single | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Rapper and a screenshot of someone hanging up the phone 'Me: I'm tired of being single Person that Me: I don't want: Let me change'

47 Amusing Memes for Single People Who Actually Prefer the Solo Lifestyle

17 Bumble screenshots of people being weird and funny | Thumbnail includes two screenshots from Bumble 'I know the feeling! Broke my ankle 4 years ago had 2 operations! A my dad was a wi cleaner... good on ya! Hard work! I work for myself too, am a copywriter (when I get the work haha) For fun I love to ride my motorbike- although not been on her for a year as I broke my leg last April and it's been a looooong recovery! I win then Aa Today U win if u show me ur (.)(.) Ooof ouch'

Top Cringiest Bumble App Screenshots of the Week (May 6, 2023)

14 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a wife and a husband who merged their families together but now don't have enough rooms in their house for all their kids | Thumbnail includes a picture of a family sitting on a couch 'Maybe your daughter should go live with her dad, then we'll have space for our new baby'

Wife Proposes Husband’s Daughters Share a Room, Husband Suggests Her Daughter Lives With Her Dad... In Another Country

23 witty wifey memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Patrick Star pulling a carton with a pink squid inside and a picture of a man and a woman sitting at a panel with lots of microphones pointing only to the woman 'Bringing ur man into Sephora just so you can see something "real quick" Kids, making requests and asking questions to mom when dad is right tf there'

Top 23 Amusing Marriage Memes for the Witty Wifey Community

22 screenshots from a Reddit thread about people sharing stories of when they realized their partner's weren't smart | Thumbnail includes a picture of a group of friends gathered in a living room with a screenshot of text '

22 Moments When People Realized Their Partner's Weren't the Brightest of the Bunch

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a woman that brought her boyfriend uninvited to a baby shower and then got mad when he was asked to leave | Thumbnail includes a picture of a pregnant woman with hands on her belly in pink tons 'I can't believe she brought him to my baby shower'

'Her boyfriend is her entire personality' : Entitled Woman Plays Victim When Her Boyfriend Is Asked to Leave a Baby Shower He Wasn’t Invited To

16 screenshots from a Reddit thread about misconceptions about love and lovemaking | Thumbnail includes a red background with a screenshot of text 'Alternative-Shape-59 18 hr. ago Based on experience with girls, bigger isn't necessarily always better.. ↑ 1.6k Reply Share'

'It's fun but it's not magic' : 15 Misconceptions Serial Daters Had About Intimacy and Lovemaking

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a man who left his phone number on a bill for a waitress with Redditor comments about it being not cool | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple dining and a waitress taking their order 'That was out of line'

'She's paid to be nice to you' : Man Leaves His Number on Restaurant Bill, Reddit Scolds Him for Hitting on Service Workers

24 marriage and parenting memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man smiling while driving a car and a picture of the same man but with a moustache and now crying 'Me thinking a road trip with kids will be fun @dad.wilder Ten minutes into the road trip Me Milk Wench @semisocialbird Tbh having your kid look exactly like your husband is like doing most of the work on a group project and he still gets the higher grade'

24 Marriage Memes for Couples Who Cope With Parenting by Sending Each Other Relatable Memes

14 wholesome and funny memes about relationships featuring baby Yoda | Thumbnail includes two pictures of baby Yoda 'When your husband tells you no, so you kinda just stare at him until he makes the right decision. how your girl looks at you when the fries hit the table after she didn't order any'

Wholesomely Charming Baby Yoda Relationship Memes to Melt Those Miniature Munchkin Hearts

14 screenshots from a Reddit post about an entitled stepson that expected his stepmom to pass on family heirloom even though he was rude to her for years | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple hugging and showing off an engagement ring 'Don't give him the ring, he'll just pawn it off'

'He wouldn't stop insulting me' : Stepson Loses It When Stepmom Denies Him Her Family Heirloom Engagement Ring After He Mistreated Her for Years

20 Spicy 'Could Be Us' Memes to Spark Thoughts of Your Soulmate | Thumbnail includes 'could be us'

20 Spicy 'Could Be Us' Memes to Spark Thoughts of Your Soulmate

'I Found Your Reddit Account': Boyfriends Play Nosy Detectives, Find Girlfriends' Reddit Accounts, Hilarious Reactions Ensue

'I Found Your Reddit Account': Boyfriends Play Nosy Detectives, Find Girlfriends' Reddit Accounts, Hilarious Reactions Ensue