
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

32 Memes for Single Ladies Who Are Smitten in Secret

32 Memes for Single Ladies Who Are Smitten in Secret

30 Memes for Girls with a Talent for Picking the Wrong Guys

30 Memes for Girls with a Talent for Picking the Wrong Guys

32 Witty Memes for Couples With Smooth Sassy Banter As Their Love Language (January 31, 2024)

32 Witty Memes for Couples With Smooth Sassy Banter As Their Love Language (January 31, 2024)

‘Have some self respect and leave your wife’: Wife Uses Open Marriage as an Excuse to Cheat on Husband

‘Have some self respect and leave your wife’: Wife Uses Open Marriage as an Excuse to Cheat on Husband

30 Girlboss Memes for Powerful Professional Ladies Choosing Work Life Over Boy Life (January 31, 2024)

30 Girlboss Memes for Powerful Professional Ladies Choosing Work Life Over Boy Life (January 31, 2024)

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31 Spongebob Memes for Krabby Singles Scraping the Bikini Bottom of the Dating Barrel

25 Handy Memes for Ladies Looking to Marry a Handysome Blue Collar Tradesman (January 30, 2024)

25 Handy Memes for Ladies Looking to Marry a Handysome Blue Collar Tradesman (January 30, 2024)

‘He liked to be ordered around like a dog’: Peoples' Spiciest Secrets From The Bedroom Accidently Exposed In This Intimate Internet Discussion

‘He liked to be ordered around like a dog’: Peoples' Spiciest Secrets From The Bedroom Accidently Exposed In This Intimate Internet Discussion

30 Memes for Girlfriends Who Keep Their Boyfriends on Their Toes

30 Memes for Girlfriends Who Keep Their Boyfriends on Their Toes

‘Constantly putting oneself in the other’s shoes’: Women Wholesomely Discuss Their Personal Secrets to Longevity in Love and Relationships

‘Constantly putting oneself in the other’s shoes’: Women Wholesomely Discuss Their Personal Secrets to Longevity in Love and Relationships

30 Freshly Single Memes For The Confident, Feisty Women In Our Lives Who Who Don't Need No Man (January 29, 2024)

30 Freshly Single Memes For The Confident, Feisty Women In Our Lives Who Who Don't Need No Man (January 29, 2024)

Romantic Realism: 32 Classical Art Memes Illustrating the Ins and Outs of Intimacy in Relationships (January 29, 2024)

Romantic Realism: 32 Classical Art Memes Illustrating the Ins and Outs of Intimacy in Relationships (January 29, 2024)

'You can't call your wife fat': Man Raves About His Beautifully Curvy Wife, Much to the Distress of Female Coworker Who Runs to HR In Rage

'You can't call your wife fat': Man Raves About His Beautifully Curvy Wife, Much to the Distress of Female Coworker Who Runs to HR In Rage

30 Introvert Memes for the Sleepy and Silent at Heart (January 28, 2024)

30 Immaculate Introvert Memes For The Quiet Girlies Waiting For Him To Make The First Move (January 28, 2024)

30 Heart Memes for Anyone Planning on Eating Their Weight in Chocolate This Valentine's Day

30 Heart Memes for Anyone Planning on Eating Their Weight in Chocolate This Valentine's Day

31 Memes for Anyone Starving to Understand What it Means to Date the Ultimate Foodie

31 Memes for Anyone Starving to Understand What it Means to Date the Ultimate Foodie