dating apps

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - OkCupid @okcupid ok If allergic cats, and swiping on people who own cats, why do think this will end s best-case- scenario? Are thinking this through at all? 6:00 PM Aug 26, 2022 TweetDeck

This Week's Batch Of Funny Tweets Penned By 'OkCupid' (August 31, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - Daaaaang girl, are microwave? Because mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm Today 9:33 AM Today 5:15 PM Lol Because microwaves are hot And they also make an mmmmm sound Today 5:49 PM very boring joke,

This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (August 29th, 2022)

bumble tweets | thumbnail text - musu frm twt @twtexe bumble notifications be like today might be the day you find someone who changes your life whole time it's just fake profiles and women who don't want me 5:04 PM - Aug 23, 2022. Twitter for Android

This Week's Batch Of Blunt Bumble Tweets (August 26, 2022)

dating app tweets | thumbnail text - nesrin danan @blackprints deleted all my dating apps bc do enough charity 9:17 AM. Aug 20, 2022 Twitter iPhone

This Week's Batch Of Funny Dating App Tweets (August 25, 2022)

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - hbddd vee @dontreqhere i thought bumble was weird but so is hinge maybe it's the men that are weird 10:25 PM - Aug 18, 2022. Twitter for Android

This Week's Collection Of Funny Hinge Tweets (August 24, 2022)

'Believe it or not I'm a complete catch' Insecure Man Aggressively Threatens to ‘Lose Interest’ in a Woman After She Doesn’t Return His Call

'Believe it or not I'm a complete catch' Insecure Man Aggressively Threatens to ‘Lose Interest’ in a Woman After She Doesn’t Return His Call

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - ok OkCupid @okcupid We need an American Girl Doll that ended a situationship with someone who wanted all the benefits of a relationship but none of the responsibility. 9:08 PM - Jul 22, 2022 TweetDeck

15 Wholesome Dating Tweets Penned By 'OkCupid'

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - so what would i have to do to get your number :) you're pretty cool Perform a magic trick Damn i can make your

This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (August 22, 2022)

bumble tweets | thumbnail text - rachel @mid_sommar if he wanted he would (override bumble app features message u first) 5:17 AM Aug 14, 2022. Twitter iPhone

This Week's Batch Of Blunt Bumble Tweets (August 19, 2022)

Funniest Memes for People Who Really Ought to Take a Break From the Dating Apps

Cringiest Dating App Memes for People Who Really Ought to Take a Break From Swiping

dating app tweets | thumbnail text - Ginny Hogan_ @ginnyhogan_ Dating apps are actually totally fine, it's just the people on them 3:00 PM - Aug 16, 2022. Twitter Web App

This Week's Concise Collection Of Dating App Tweets (August 18, 2022)

twitter thread about awkward dating app conversation | thumbnail text -I'm just giving you tips lol Trust me, i'm being helpful It would be useful for you to give tips in a less rude manner

Man On Dating App Accuses Woman Of Treating Their Conversation Like An Interview When She's Just Trying To Get To Know Him

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - Tacoman 2.0 RolandoTaCoS Ok Cupid have match check out no thanks, she swiping at 5:30 am know fact are incompatible af! 4:13 PM Aug 15, 2022. Twitter iPhone

This Week's Batch Of Open-Hearted OkCupid Tweets (August 17, 2022)

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - average vice employee @godsfavourite_1 Bamboozled by men on hinge looking like complete different person every pic before realising they've collected one good pic each failed relationship since they were 18 11:40 AM Aug 14, 2022. Twitter iPhone

The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (August 16, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text -  Do have celebrity look like? Or cartoon look like don't think so some people say look like yetti Yesterday 10:11 PM agree! But specifically one Monsters Inc good way! Is were going say?!

This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (August 15, 2022)

tweets written by okcupid | thumbnail text - OkCupid @okcupid ok Everyone deserves friend who handles breakups with same energy as Elle Woods Legally Blonde getting Paulette's dog back her ex-husband. 2:58 AM Aug 15, 2022 TweetDeck

15 Adorably Funny Tweets Penned By 'OkCupid' That Warmed Our Hearts