
customer service worker employee job shopping work customers commission wife petty revenge husband couples sales entitled store karma entitled people - 36341765

Husband Buys Wife Expensive Bag from Entitled Employee Who Ignored Her, Wife Returns It So Worker Doesn't Get Commission: 'He's now upset I returned his gift'

'He clearly didn't think things through': Husband Leaves Ex Wife Stranded With Huge Bill, Divorces Her to Be With Younger Woman, Wife Tracks Him Down via Call Center

'He clearly didn't think things through': Husband Leaves Ex Wife Stranded With Huge Bill, Divorces Her to Be With Younger Woman, Wife Tracks Him Down via Call Center

Hooters Waitress Shares the Creepy Responses She Gets From Customers When She Asks What They Want to Order, Nobody Is Original These Days

Hooters Waitress Shares the Creepy Responses She Gets From Customers When She Asks What They Want to Order, Nobody Is Original These Days

Divorce Lawyers Reveal Times They Secretly Wishes Their Clients Would Lose| Thumbnail text - Batfern • 11h Client got caught cheating on his wife, wanted a divorce but didn't have the balls to tell her so and asked me to inform her he was filing for divorce two days after she had his child. G Reply 1 3k 3

Divorce Lawyers Reveal Times They Secretly Wished Their Client Would Lose

Tales From Customer Service Workers Roasting Obnoxious Customers| thumbnail text - dalishpariah we opened at 11 this morning. i watched an old man literally pry the fking sliding doors open at 10:43 and stand there just staring into the empty store and my coworker & i were like sir. for the love of fk

Tales From Customer Service Workers Roasting Obnoxious Customers

cashiers reveal weirdest things people have put on their conveyor belt | thumbnail Text - IamfromCanuckistan 43 points · 1 month ago Spent many years as a cashier and never saw anything as weird as the one time I was the customer and just happened to need vaseline and some bungee cords.

Cashiers Reveal Weirdest Things They Saw People Buy

Retail Workers Reveal Times They Secretly Treated Their Customers For Not Being 'Karen's| thumbnail text - jenny O @jennycavallero i worked at hobby lobby in high school and they didn't use barcodes for anything so sometimes i'd ring up $30 whatevers as $3 if an old lady told me i had nice skin 6:50 PM · Feb 9, 2022 240.4K, jenny O @jennycavallero Replying to @jennycavallero 'thou shall not steal' unless you tell me i'm pretty 6:54 PM · Feb 9, 2022 33.1K

Retail Workers Reveal Times They Secretly Treated Their Customers For Not Being 'Karen's

twitter thread about kind emploees and customers | thumbnail text - Virgil, Professional Angst Dealer @AnxiPurpleCloud Replying jennycavallero never forget sweet Starbucks worker who bought free hot cocoa got stood up by my date. Benjamin are treasure 12:26 PM Feb 10, 2022 Twitter Android

14 Times Employees Pulled Through For Customers That Didn't Act Like Karens

Memes That Will Hit A Little Too Close To Home If You've Ever Worked In Customer Service| thumbnail text - Customer: Are you sure it's sold out?

Memes That Will Hit A Little Too Close To Home If You've Ever Worked In Customer Service

retail workers reveal the lies they tell customers to get out of things | thumbnail text - makayla @makaylathinks i once worked with someone who told customers "sorry, it's my first day!" any time they messed up. for 2 years straight 4:46 PM · May 19, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 66.1K Retweets 15.1K Quote Tweets 824.2K Likes

Retail Workers Reveal The Lies They Tell Customers To Get Out Of Things

Karen dishes out satirical advice on a weekly basis | thumbnail text: Dear Karen, an advice column guaranteeing the privilege you're entitled to on a weekly basis

Karen Dishes Out Entitled Advice To McDonald's Customer Who Deserves More Chicken Nuggets

Waitress snitches on co-waitress who spits on customer's food | thumbnail text - Posted by u/KarlMaloneIsARapist 1 month ago 4 a 34 A 3 AITA for "snitching" on a coworker for spitting on a customer's food? Everyone Sucks I work as a server at a popular chain restaurant. Last Saturday it was a very stressful day as we were extremely busy. One of my coworkers, let's call her Tanya, was in an especially bad mood due to the amount of customers assigned to her section.

Waitress Snubbed By Coworkers For Reporting Server Who Spit On Customer's Food

Funny reddit thread about crazy bartender experiences | thumbnail text -

Bartenders Reveal Their Wildest Encounters With Rowdy Customers

store owners customers entertained funny pics signs sense of humor | Special PLS DO NOT T?P ON GLASS SCARES ICE CREAM

Shop Owners Who Have A Great Sense Of Humor When It Comes To Displays


Restaurant In Texas Puts Up The Funniest Signs

funny tweets demands customers professional client reveal crazy | Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun 's most ridiculous demand customer has made l'll go first working retail woman once demanded pick her up her Botox appointment with my car bring her mall shop

Professionals Reveal The Craziest Demands From Their Customers