
customer service

Salon Tries To Force Man To Pay Fee When He Refuses To Be Touched By Sick Worker| thumbnail text - Posted by u/PuzzleheadedCar1801 18 hours ago AITA for refusing to pay a missed appointment fee? Not the A-hole

Salon Tries To Force Man To Pay Fee When He Refuses To Be Touched By Sick Worker

The audacity of some people
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karen moments reddit funny customer service wtf retail absurd | Ultimosome22 1.2k points 8 months ago needed leave gym because made her son feel like only fat people go gym

People Reveal Their Worst 'Karen' Encounters

No one likes a Karen...
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Memes That Will Hit A Little Too Close To Home If You've Ever Worked In Customer Service| thumbnail text - Customer: Are you sure it's sold out?

Memes That Will Hit A Little Too Close To Home If You've Ever Worked In Customer Service

One too many experiences with Karen
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People Who Had Specific Orders, And Had Their Expectations Exceeded| thumbnail text - Pad THai Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy Spicy MAKE HIM REGRET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *Spec Prep* BEING BORN *Snor

People Who Had Specific Orders, And Had Their Expectations Exceeded

Not all heroes wear capes
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Karen dishes out satirical advice on a weekly basis | thumbnail text: Dear Karen, an advice column guaranteeing the privilege you're entitled to on a weekly basis

Karen Advises Woman Who Fears Neighborhood Geese Will Poop On Her Lawn

Karen's back at it again with the fire advice
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people share screenshots of customer service reps flirting with them on Twitter | O p r lme Thank you :) You are very sweet and I must say you have a very lovely name Its okay! Have you found anything on the parcel sorry im kind of in a rush roxana Rup eSh I Custom" Service Good news is that Seller will contact you within 24 hours with an update and order should be delivered to you On priority. rite a message.. Not the amazon customer service guy legit flirting with me LOOOOL orie Send Do

Times People's Customer Service Reps Flirted With Them

People Tweet Customer Service Reps Getting Flirty
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man pretends to be customer support on social media for different companies - funny exchange between Sainsbury's customer support and angry customer | bought pack always ultra sanitary pads store only discover there were 14 pack rather than 16 as stated do not want use rest as pack has been tampered with. Do complain or always direct. Please advise? O Like Comment Share Customer Support Are only mad because 's time month tho? 13 mins Like Reply More Really unprofessional make rude joke over pers

Guy Pretends To Be Customer Support For Companies On Social Media, Hilarity Ensues

Customers are NOT happy!
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store owners customers entertained funny pics signs sense of humor | Special PLS DO NOT T?P ON GLASS SCARES ICE CREAM

Shop Owners Who Have A Great Sense Of Humor When It Comes To Displays

Keeping their customers entertained
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cheezcake users Karen encounters facebook wtf retail memes customer service user submitted | Jesseleigh McAleer working retail Karen told she wanted jump over counter and claw my eyes out" because told her joke. Cant even remember joke anymore. But sure as hell remember her. Like Reply 1d

Cheezcake User Responses To Most Personal 'Karen' Encounters

Who's the Karen in your life?
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user experiences the failure of Amazon Customer service and at least gets a laugh out of it

Amazon User Gets Tossed Around Through Their Customer Service Like A Hot Potato And It's Highly Amusing

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customer service memes

36 Customer Service Memes That Are So Insanely Accurate

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FAILS customer service hilarious lolz lol cheezcake funny weird - 6795525

Sometimes Customers Are Not Always Right

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customer service crazy hilarious lolz wtf FAIL lol cheezcake funny delivery - 6727941

Artist Illustrates Her Sweet Revenge, After Customer Accuses Her Of Stealing Tip

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server memes

The Ultimate Server Meme Dump To Make You LOL (55 memes)

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a funny list of venting of people who work as cashiers

Cashiers Are Venting Via Twitter And We Can Truly Relate

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