

People Reveal How Compliment Someone's Appearance Without Being Creepy| Thumbnail text - celolex · 14h As a general rule, I'd say it's best to avoid complementing people's bodies unless you have had sex with them or are minutes away from doing so.

People Reveal How To Compliment Someone's Appearance Without Being Creepy

There's a fine line
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Dark Memes For Anyone Who Has Accepted Their Humor Is Seriously Messed Up| thumbnail text - When you are on the verge of mental collapse and something of minor inconvenience happens Today's the daaaaay!

Dark Memes For Anyone Who Has Accepted Their Humor Is Seriously Messed Up

When your soul's darker than your no-smudge eyeliner
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people reveal things that are cool if you're handsome but creepy if you're ugly - cover pic redditor example living in a Volkswagen van | VegetableArmy7 8 points 5 hours ago Living Volkswagen van. Handsome hippy, clean carbon foot print blagh blagh blagh Ugly=creepy and homeless

Things Which Are Nice And Sexy If You’re Handsome, But Creepy If You’re Ugly

Turns out, life is easier if you're good looking
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Man Tells Woman Her Nipples Are Making People 'Uncomfortable' At The Gym| Thumbnail text - Posted by u/Far-Experience2070 8 hours ago O 10 18 S 15 20 AITA for telling another gym member to wear a bra?

Man Tells Woman Her Nipples Are Making People 'Uncomfortable' At The Gym

Some people really lack social cues
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Men Describe Things Women Do That Immediately 'Give Them The Ick'| Thumbnail text - ManholeCanon · 6h 3 1 Award Testing my "loyalty" with the help of her friends is a big no for me G Reply 4 2.7k 3 ...

Men Describe Things Women Do That Immediately 'Give Them The Ick'

Some icks are permanent
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ruthf creepy tinder cheating challenge dating apps dating - 14830341

I Matched With Tinder Creeps With No Photo, And I'm Officially Both Scared And Appalled

No-photo profiles are exactly as gross as you think
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parents recall the creepiest things their kids have ever done | thumbnail text - Niteryder007 · 1d My 12 year old will occasionally scream while sleeping. It makes your hair stand up when you get woke from a deep sleep. I have also woken up in the middle of the night to see him standing right next to my bed. Sometimes just facing the wall or staring at me. He is always "sleep walking" and I can escort him back to bed. Trouble is, I never know how long he has been up. He never remembers any of it

Parents Recall The Creepy And Disturbing Things Their Kids Have Done

Kids can be far from innocent
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people reveal their creepiest summer camp memories from when they were kids | thumbnail text - İBTGX43 · 3d S My youth group stayed at a camp site for a weekend trip. We were all in the cabin playing card games when someone with a gorilla suit ran by the cabin and started banging on the door. It really freaked everyone out because it was no one in our group. They came back a couple times until one of the adults confronted the person and they ran away. They never found out who the person was.

People Reveal Their Creepiest Summer Camp Memories From When They Were Kids

Summer camp nightmares
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The Weirdest DM's People Received That They Wish They Could Unsee| thumbnail text - Sloeman 11 hours ago I keep getting DMs from the Illuminati. I keep replying with pictures of geese. 232 Reply Share •..

The Weirdest DM's People Received That They Wish They Could Unsee

When the Illuminati slides in your DM's
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People Throw Out Things That Are Perfectly Legal, But Inherently Creepy| thumbnail text - RevolutionaryBasket7 · 5h Placing your hand on a pregnant woman's belly 6 Reply 1 19 3 ...

People Throw Out Things That Are Perfectly Legal, But Inherently Creepy

The law needs to be adjusted
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The Weirdest Things People Did To Creep Out Someone Who Was Creepy Towards Them| thumbnail text - whose_your_annie · 23h He asked for my Skype so I gave him the Skype address of another creep so they could creep each other out G Reply 600 ...

The Weirdest Things Women Did To Fend-Off Creepy People

Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire
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OnlyFans people get recognized IRL | thumbnail text - MT_061619 · 8h I had a guy recognize me, thankfully he was pretty chill. He low key followed me for a bit, then split ways then sent me a message on OF saying he saw me. And that was it. Half of my family know what I do (found out), but almost none of my friends. I imagine it would be awkward if someone actually came up to me and started talking about my line of work lol

OnlyFans Content Creators Reveal What Happened When They Were Recognized IRL

Things get weird real quick
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Reddit thread about roommate who roleplays as woman during sex | thumbnail text -  Font - Posted by u/https:/ThrowR1 year ago My roommate pretends to be me when she has sex with her bf On Friday I (26f) came home earlier than expected and when I arrived clearly my roommate (Lucy 27f) and her bf (Dave 28m) were having sex due to the abundance of noises coming from her room. While I was relaxing in my room I could hear Dave calling Lucy by my name. They were role playing and incorporating me into

Woman Discovers Her Roommate Pretends To Be Her During Sex With Her Boyfriend

Girl, get out now
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Men Admit Their True Biggest Fears| Thumbnail text - angcalinban • 16h Not being able to defend my family is probably the big one. Also bears. G Reply 1 73 3

Men Admit Their Secret Biggest Fears

We are all scaredy-cats deep down
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Twelve Things That Make People Instantly Stop Watching Porn| thumbnail text - lihairden • 19h facial expressions. when they look at the camera, lick lips, roll eyes and look like they're having a bad reaction to something. way too fake. 5 Reply 4 635 3 ...

Twelve Things Which Made People Instantly Stop Watching Porn

Nope, that's enough of that
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Weekly Dose Of Witty Tweets About Mansplaining (March 16, 2021)| thumbnail text - - Z rowan. ... @rowandemboats one time a dude tried to mansplain IUDS to me soi threatened to yank mine out and put it in his drink 8:24 AM · 3/14/21 · Twitter for iPhone

Weekly Dose Of Mansplaining Tweets (March 17, 2021)

Men will always come equipped with the audacity
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