

25 Slightly Creepy Tweets From the World Of Secret Admirers

25 Slightly Creepy Tweets From the World Of Secret Admirers

Secret Admirer or Stalker? We'll Help You Decide.
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AITA: 'Women should be flattered by catcalls': Clueless creeper attempts to seduce his attractive coworker, toxic masculinity blinds him to how stalkerish he's being until after she quits

AITA: 'Women should be flattered by catcalls': Toxic creeper attempts to seduce his attractive coworker, cluelessly gets offended when she quits because of him

Someone needs to get reported to HR
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Reddit women talk about the weirdest things men said to them at the gym | thumbnail text -  I had a guy come on the treadmill next to mine and after trying to make a bit of small talk, asked me if he could buy my undies from me when I had finished my work out.

Women Disclose The Weirdest Things Men Have Said To Them At The Gym

Please just let us work out in peace
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men creeper flirting thanksgiving shopping ruthf creepy pickup artist black friday pickup pickup artist pickup artist pickup artist pickup artist - 15780357

A Creep's Step-By-Step Guide to Picking Up Girls on Black Friday

they want a protector
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guys all women meet at the gym | thumbnail includes picture of topless man taking gym selfie Text -  Somehow, he has a perfectly chiseled bod, which makes no sense, considering he spends more time hanging out around the mirror than actually working out. If he could make out with his reflection, he totally would.

Guys All Women Encounter At The Gym

Please sir, let me suffer and sweat in peace
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