

Funniest Women's Memes Our Feeds Were Blessed With This Past Week (March 6, 2022)| thumbnail text - "Money does not buy happiness" Me when I get some money:

Funniest Women's Memes Our Feeds Were Blessed With This Past Week

Feeling very blessed
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Toxic Husband Plants Recording Device During His Wife's Girls' Night In| thumbnail text - Posted by u/WeekThrowRA309 2 hours ago AITA for calling my husband out infront of my friends on planting a recording device while we were having a GNI?

Toxic Husband Plants Recording Device During His Wife's Girls' Night In

Trust is not a thing here
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Toxic BF Suggests His Girlfriend Get Breast Augmentation Surgery| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Throwaway264929 16 hours ago 2 3 O 10 5 3 12 AITA for repeating what my bf said to me?

Toxic BF Suggests His Girlfriend Get Breast Augmentation Surgery

The audacity is real
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Overbearing Parents Lose It After Adult Daughter Decides To Move In With Fiancé| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Terrible-Respect-811 · 17h 2 AITA for moving out of my parents house?? So l'm (21F) buying my first home with my fiancé (22M) later this month. My parents are not happy at ALL. They absolutely hate the idea of it. They don't want me to move out. They claim I agreed to live with them until I graduated nursing school next year, when i never agreed to anything. We have also been activ

Overbearing Parents Lose It After Adult Daughter Decides To Move In With Fiancé

Deep breaths people, deep breaths
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Husband Maliciously Spits In Wife's Food For A TikTok Video| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/throw35433•6h 2 3 e1 3 4 13 AITA for no longer cooking for my husband because of what he did to my food?

Husband Maliciously Spits In Wife's Food For A TikTok Video

A ridiculous sequence of events
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Tweets About Applying For Jobs That Reminded Us How Dumb Hard It Can Be| thumbnail text - first-mate prance ... @bocxtop no more job applications asking if they can contact a previous employer, like why are u so insecure? don't worry about my ex let's focus on us 6:52 PM · 2/5/21 · Twitter Web App 8,020 Retweets 115 Quote Tweets 104K Likes

Tweets About Applying For Jobs That Reminded Us How Dumb Hard It Can Be

The terror is real
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Tales From Customer Service Workers Roasting Obnoxious Customers| thumbnail text - dalishpariah we opened at 11 this morning. i watched an old man literally pry the fking sliding doors open at 10:43 and stand there just staring into the empty store and my coworker & i were like sir. for the love of fk

Tales From Customer Service Workers Roasting Obnoxious Customers

These people all deserve an award
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Deal-Breaker Questions People Whip Out On The First Date| thumbnail text - cowfishAreReal · 12h Should women be homemakers? G Reply 4 Vote 3 ...

Deal-Breaker Questions People Whip Out On The First Date

When you realize first dates are kind of like tests
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Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers|Thumbnail text - Finger - AITA for giving all of my coworkers a different reason for why Thave missing fingers? I have three fingers missing on my dominant hand. It's fine. I can type and everything and even manage to tie my shoelaces most days (and on the days I can't, that's the dyspraxia).

Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers

It's really not cool to ask
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Man Repeatedly Cheats On His Soon-To-Be Husband With A Woman| Thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwowowowowoa 10 hours ago AITA for calling my friend a homewrecker

Man Repeatedly Cheats On His Soon-To-Be Husband With A Woman

See how the tables have turned
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Delusional MIL Thinks She Deserves An Apology For Walking In On Her DIL In Underwear| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/walkalone4533 • 10h 12 O 4 AITA for refusing to apologize to my mother in-law after she saw me wearing underwear?

Delusional MIL Thinks She Deserves An Apology For Walking In On Her DIL In Underwear

Red flags at every intersection
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Men Reveal The Number One Reason For Arguments Between Them And Their SO| thumbnail text - Somesh98 · 5h She says she is not hungry and then proceeds to devour my burger. But it's all good.

Men Reveal The Number One Reason For Arguments Between Them And Their SO

Conflict is a part of life
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9 People Expose Their Worst Valentine's Day| thumbnail text - "My girlfriend always told me she didn't like to make a big deal out of 'Hallmark' holidays. I planned to make a nice dinner at my apartment and have some flowers waiting for her. Before she even came over she said she felt like I hadn't put any effort into things because she didn't receive flowers at work and was embarrassed. She also was pissed we weren't going out to eat."

9 People Expose Their Worst Valentine's Day

The day of love has a lot of pressure
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Women's Memes That Spoke To Our Souls| thumbnail text - me after i have a mental breakdown and cut my bangs too short Color, Them: Omg that was mean, how do you sleep at night? Me:

Women's Memes That Spoke To Our Broken Souls

The girls who get it get it
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Spineless Uncle Steals Family Heirloom From Nephew For Insufferable Wife| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Vincerevelmori69 9 hours ago 36 3 5 AITA for having my (25F) uncle (56M) arrested?

Spineless Uncle Steals Family Heirloom From Nephew For Insufferable Wife

Some people are just broken
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Telltale Signs Of Dating A Narcissist| thumbnail text - They will never apologize There is no debating or compromising with a narcissist, because they are always right. They won't necessarily see a disagreement as a disagreement. They'll just see it as them teaching you some truth. And because they never think they're wrong, they never apologize. About anything

Telltale Signs Of Dating A Narcissist

Sometimes its all too obvious
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