
Gemini Season Is Upon Us, Enjoy These Very Extra Tweets From Some Astrology Fanatics| Thumbnail text - not all geminis @notallgeminis Started my period on the first day of Gemini season because I bleed for my people 8:00 PM · May 20, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 525 Retweets 165 Quote Tweets 5,604 Likes

Gemini Season Is Upon Us, Enjoy These Very Extra Tweets From Some Astrology Fanatics

Reddit thread about psycho roommates | thumbnail text - never had any roommates but my ex boyfriend's roommate nightmare. Turned out he had hidden cameras apartment, like bedrooms. Anything did my ex's bedroom sold apparently. Fun times. Can't wait stumble on those

This Week's Alarming 'Psycho Roommate' Stories (May 23, 2021)

Reddit thread about psycho roommates | thumbnail text - Nerril · 4y Came home late from work one night, roommate was crying in the bathtub drinking Malibu coconut out of the bottle, dressed in mens swim trunks I had never seen before, with Seal's "Kiss from a Rose" playing in the background. Looked to the left and realized she had stapled cheese slices to the wall.

This Week's Horrifying 'Psycho Roommate' Stories (May 16, 2021)

The Viral TikTok Trend 'What I Wanted Vs. What I Got' Is Pure Gold| thumbnail text - Forehead

The Viral TikTok Trend 'What I Wanted Vs. What I Got' Is Pure Gold

Ten Iconic Oscar Mishaps To Prove This Oscars Was Quite Normal| thumbnail text - Please welcome, the wickedly talented, one and only, Adela Dazeem. Jennifer lawrence.

Ten Iconic Oscars Mishaps To Prove This Year's Oscars Was Quite Normal

Non-Obvious Red Flags In Friendships Which Can Make Some Serious Damage| thumbnail text - blowpops13 · 11h They're always down to hang out, but it's always you initiating the hangouts. G Reply

Non-Obvious Red Flags In Friendships Which Can Make Some Serious Damage

People Confess Secrets They Know About Others Which Could Ruin Their Lives| thumbnail text - haelesor • 5h A coworker bragged (at work) about losing his virginity the night of his bachelor party but his wife still doesn't know and thinks they lost their virginity to each other on their wedding night. It's a VERY big deal to her and would most likely end in their divorce if she ever found out. G Reply 仓 43 ... 1 MORE REPLY

People Confess The Major Life-Ruining Secrets They Know About Their Friends

Weekly Ridiculous Astrology Tweets For People Who Don't Get It Either (April 4, 2021)| thumbnail text - vaby vahus: *+ @lunagiiselle •.. DO YOU HAVE THREE TO FOUR ACCOUNTS ON EACH SOCIAL MEDIA AND ARE YOU A GEMINI?

Weekly Ridiculous Astrology Tweets Which Are So Extra It's Funny (April 4, 2021)

Funniest Tweets From Parents Who Caught Their Kids When They Were Up To No Good| thumbnail text - - non podchametz ... @crookedroads770 Yesterday I overheard my two year old son saying "Are you sure this is a good idea" and my five year old son replying "Trust me" and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life 10:21 PM · Jan 23, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 58.1K Retweets 2,980 Quote Tweets 703.8K Likes

Funniest Tweets From Parents Who Caught Their Kids When They Were Up To No Good

Weekly Ridiculous Astrology Tweets Which Are Unintentionally Funny (March 28, 2021)| thumbnail text - d* Empress Atlantis @empressatlantis •.. If you hate on astrology u don't deserve to celebrate your own birthday 1:18 AM · Mar 21, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Weekly Ridiculous Astrology Tweets Which Are Unintentionally Funny (March 28, 2021)

Twitter Responds To Female Australian Politician Getting Blatantly Mansplained To On Live TV|

Twitter Responds To Female Australian MP Getting Blatantly Mansplained To On Live TV

5 Year Old Raises $150 To Convince Her Parents To Change Her Name| thumnail text - Charlotte So, my girl has $150 to change her name from Dear mommy a n o aVer IliKe iTah me up onil's pr IDon'is charle I don't like Charlie, Charlotte is my passion, Love, Charlie Charlie to Charlotte, she had my dad make her a backpack, that says Charlotte on it

Five-Year-Old Raises $150 To Convince Her Parents To Change Her Name

Tweets About Astrology For People Who Don't Care About Astrology|

Funny Tweets About Astrology For People Who Don't Care About Astrology

Fifteen Women Who Deserve A Medal For Not Giving A Frick| Thumbnail - Pregnant Woman Lost in Woods Fights Bees, Gives Birth, Starts Wildfire

Fifteen Women Who Deserve A Medal For Not Giving A Frick

Wittiest Memes In Support Of The Free Britney Movement|

Wittiest Memes In Support Of The Free Britney Movement

people reveal reasons why they had to dump someone because of their crazy family | thumbnail text - "Ex’s mom heavily recruited me to join her cult where you bow down — literally prostrate like head to the floor kind of thing — to a “guru” and donate $$ money monthly to fund this guru’s lavish lifestyle. Even my ex knew she was nuts but wasn’t willing to stand up to her."

People Reveal Why They Dumped Someone Because Of Their Crazy Family