
15 Cringey Halloween Costumes That Need To Be Cancelled| Thumbnail Text - Smile,Joint,Hairstyle,Shoulder,Facial expression,Purple,Textile,Neck,Sleeve,Standing

15 Cringy Halloween Costumes That Need To Be Cancelled

Crazy Reasons People Missed Work That Were Actually True| thumbnail text - Smell-Equivalent · 59m In college, I worked at a restaurant and another server tried to call in because her chinchilla ate her wallet. She said she "wouldn't feel comfortable driving without a license"..after several moments of incredulity, my manager sent one of us to go pick her up. Vote Q Reply Share

Crazy Reasons People Missed Work That Were Actually True

Preacher's Daughter Gets Caught Doing The Dirty In Her Father's Car| Thumbnail text - After a few days of not getting any alone time I was pretty honry and we decided to take my dad's car to 'run some errands' and said we would be back in a few hours.

Preacher's Daughter Gets Caught Doing The Dirty In Her Father's Car

People Who Made Their Parents Want To Return Them| thumbnail text - 288 D Dad > Today 6:21 PM Do you have 3 nose rings now? Yes sir! Delivered When will it end

People Who Made Their Parents Want To Return Them

Delusional 'Instagram Model' Threatens Woman For Refusing To Switch Seats With Her| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Chrominium2• 13h 1 1 1 17 19 1 3 18 1 17 AITA for not giving up my window seat In a plane then later saying "you're not pretty enough to act this way"

Delusional 'Instagram Model' Threatens Woman For Refusing To Switch Seats With Her

Teen Reports Teacher For Ordering Her To 'Control Her Period'| thumbnail photo - AITA for reporting my teacher and potentially getting him fired? My (16f) school requires us to keep our cameras on during the entire class. If we need to use the restroom we are supposed to privately message our teacher and ask to leave. I have absolutely no issue with these rules as I understand that online teaching is hard and you have to make sure everyone is attentive during classes.

Teacher Reported For Ordering Teen Girl To 'Control Her Period' During Zoom Class

The Time My Date Peed On My Lawn:Bad Dates - Real Women| thumbnail text - he literally strts chugging this bottle of wine

The Time My Date Peed On My Lawn︱Bad Dates - Real Women

Woman Experiences A Very Humbling Walk of Shame After Sleeping With A Military Guy| thumbnail text - Not because I want to protect his privacy, but because I don't actually remember his name.

Woman Experiences Very Humbling Walk of Shame After Sleeping With A Military Guy

7 Fascinating Facts Behind The Science of 'Cuffing Season'| thumbnail text - "Cuffing season starts in October, giving new couples/flings nearly eight weeks to make an impression strong enough to survive meeting the family during the holidays. Based on 2008 Facebook data, there's a spike in breakups two weeks before Christmas."

7 Fascinating Facts Behind The Science of 'Cuffing Season'

Delusional Mom Refuses To Let 25-Year-Old Daughter Sleep In Same Room As Boyfriend| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/upsetmother12 • 23d 4 1 AITA for not allowing my daughter to sleep in the same bed as her boyfriend? Asshole

Delusional Mom Refuses To Let 25-Year-Old Daughter Sleep In Same Room As Boyfriend

8 Women Admit When They Were Actually The Bad Date| Thumbnail text - "I was still completely hung up on this total f*ck boy when I met up with this really nice guy who drove an hour and 20 mins to take me out. In the middle of the date, the f* ck boy texted and told me he wanted to see me. I bailed on the guy after one drink. Stupid."

8 Women Admit When They Were Actually The Bad Date

Woman Gets Taken To A Sex Dungeon On A Date, Finds Out The Guy Isn't Even Single| Thumbnail text - As we descended down the long dark corridor I started to hear whipping sounds followed by moaning.

Woman Gets Taken To A Sex Dungeon On A Date, Finds Out The Guy Isn't Even Single

woman's list of reg flags of Reddit | thmbnail text - they throw stuff away like 's basketball (kobe wearing nike elites -have squatted vehicle -wear pit vipers regularly -hobby runners -never change their toothbrush -drink seltzers regularly -boys w hydroflasks (especially w stickers guys order salad on first date -bed wetters -wears tighty whities

The Internet Reacts To Woman's Ridiculous List Of Dating Red Flags

Man Has Intimate Piercing Ripped Out At The Same Hospital His Mom Works At| thumbnail text - Knowing very well that the 'spray and pray' method is not full proof, I said that it was probably not a good idea.

Man Has Intimate Piercing Ripped Out At The Same Hospital His Mom Works At

4th Grader Punished With Zoom Detention, Mom Says It's Ridiculous| thumbnail text - Uju Anya @UjuAnya My child got sent to Zoom detention for not paying attention in Zoom 4th grade. Email said here's the link to access the room to serve detention. I swear l'm trying so hard to take this life seriously. 7:19 PM · Apr 6, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 32K Retweets 3,702 Quote Tweets 341.1K Likes

4th Grader Punished With Zoom Detention, Mom Says It's Ridiculous

Unforgettable Moments From The 2021 MTV Video Music Awards| thumbnail text - Hairstyle,Blue,Smile,Purple,Eyelash,Gesture,Entertainment,Music artist,Fashion design,Electric blue

Unforgettable Moments From The 2021 MTV Video Music Awards