
crazy neighbor

people reveal their craziest neighbors | thumbnail text - JimmyHerbertKnockers · 7d S 2 2 My sister's neighbour reported my sister to the police because her kids were playing in my sister's garden. Not for the usual reasons, too much noise etc. Nope, because a volcano in Italy had erupted and the radiation would hurt them. My sister lives in the U.K.

People Expose Ridiculous Things Their Craziest Neighbors Have Done

Send out the neighborhood watch
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Entitled Guy calls Police On Neighbors For Having Sex At 5pm| thumbnail text - 口… ••. A r/AmltheAsshole u/ICUMTARANTULAS • 2y + Join AITA for having sex with my fiancé? Not the A-hole

Entitled Guy Calls Police On Neighbors For Having Sex At 5pm

Sounds like somebody's a little jealous
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