
crazy mom

Controlling Mom Freaks Out After Losing Access To Adult Daughters Constant Location| thumbnail text -  r/AmltheAsshole u/xdhailey · 7h AITA for telling my mom her behavior isn't normal, and borderline controlling? Hi, for some background information, I am 19 and live on my own. I pay my rent from student loans in my name, I pay for my phone on the phone bill, and they pay for my car that was a "gift"

Controlling Mom Freaks Out After Losing Access To Adult Daughter's Constant Location

Because just asking where they are is far too much work
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Mom Accused Of Promoting Disordered Eating For Serving Sparkling Water At Teen Party| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/throwFish536 · 4d + Join O 1 e1 3 6 5 AITA for having flavored sparking water at my teenage daughter's birthday party? Another mom accused me of trying to give her daughter an eating disorder. Not the A-hole

Mom Accused Of Promoting Disordered Eating For Serving Sparkling Water At Teen Party

Getting triggered by water is a new one
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