
Crazy Ex

Women on TikTok are Using Patsy Cline's "Crazy" to Share Outrageous Stories of Revenge on Cheating Exes

Women on TikTok are Using Patsy Cline's "Crazy" to Share Outrageous Stories of Revenge on Cheating Exes

One woman pooped in a cup and threw it at her cheating boyfriend's face…
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People Reveal Craziest Things Unstable Exes Did To Them After Break Ups | thumbnail text - Frangie · 7y My ex went out of her way and became friends with my new girl at the time. What makes it even worse, they became best friends. I got the F out.

People Reveal Craziest Things Unstable Exes Did To Them After Break Ups

You never really know someone
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people reveal the craziest things their ex spouses did after divorcing them | thumbnail text - TKHunsaker · 4d 4 3 2 My ex-wife told me I could leave my stuff in our house while I found somewhere else to stay. I assumed this was a good- will effort to keep things as amicable as possible between us. When I went to get my shit she had burned it all.

People Reveal Craziest Things Their Ex-Spouses Did To Them After Getting Divorced

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