
What's cool to you might not be cool to the next person, so make sure you really have a good idea what is in, and what is out.

30 Hilarious Parenting Memes for the Coolest Moms and Dads Around

30 Hilarious Parenting Memes for the Coolest Moms and Dads Around

40+ Top Relatable Memes for Mature Girls No Longer in Need of Male Validation

40+ Top Relatable Memes for Mature Girls No Longer in Need of Male Validation

the best unique halloween costumes for couples

The Best Non-Basic Halloween Costumes for the Coolest Couples We Want to See This Year

When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - glorified_throwaway 8 hr. ago Blaring their engine in a parking lot. Like, dude, this is a grocery store. You aren't impressing anyone.

People Expose Things that Are Seeming Cool, But Actually Just Make You Look Like A Jerk

20 Times Danny Tanner Proved He Wasn't Just A Regular Dad - He Was A Cool Dad| Thumbnail Text - Forehead - My friends call me "Dirty Dan" Okay, let's face it. O'm a lean, mean, hugging machine.

20 Times Danny Tanner Proved He Wasn't Just A Regular Dad - He Was A Cool Dad

27 Ridiculous Photos From Canada's Annual Hair Freezing Contest| Thumbnail Text - Chin - Frozen Hair Don't Care

28 Ridiculous Photos From Canada's Annual Hair Freezing Contest

The Corpus Museum = A Walking Journey Through The Human Body| Thumbnail Text - Outerwear - Only place in the world where you can sit inside of a brain

The Corpus Museum = A Walking Journey Through The Human Body

17 Funky Celeb Polaroids From The Tribeca Film Festival| Thumbnail Text - Hair

17 Funky Celeb Polaroids From The Tribeca Film Festival

Reddit thread about what happened to the cool kids in high school | thumbnail text -  Runawaybucket · 1d · edited 1d 3 8 17 & 38 More My husband was the prom king and star athlete. I was a super awkward marching band nerd with severe scoliosis and a heart condition. He's always been sweet, silly, smart and kind. Still can't believe we're married.

Spouses Who Married The Cool Kids From High School Tell All About What They're Like Now

20 Flinch Worthy Double-Jointed People|Thumbnail Text - Product - Fred Delicious @Fred Delicious "sir, can i ask why you're smoking TWO huge blunts?" "officer, l'm..." *turns to camera* "double jointed" *cop starts breakdancing* 18/06/2013 22:45 ili VIEW TWEET ACTIVITY 14.5K RETWEETS 21.1K LIKES

20 Flinch Worthy Double-Jointed Photos

Women Reflect On Embarrassingly Naive Things They Did As Kids| Thumbnail text Brought my mother's fluffy handcuffs to school to play cops and robbers with my classmates when I was 5. :-)

Women Reflect On Embarrassingly Naive Things They Did As Kids

people reveal things that are cool if you're handsome but creepy if you're ugly - cover pic redditor example living in a Volkswagen van | VegetableArmy7 8 points 5 hours ago Living Volkswagen van. Handsome hippy, clean carbon foot print blagh blagh blagh Ugly=creepy and homeless

Things Which Are Nice And Sexy If You’re Handsome, But Creepy If You’re Ugly

People's most badass moments | thumbnail text - ChesterMcGonigle · 11h 3 I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai. There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren't good in the water. We're out in the water and they're off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face. Turns out they didn't realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down o

People Recall And Celebrate The Most Badass Moments Of Their Lives

People Confess Past Obsessions They Swore Were Not A Phase But Ended Up Being A Phase| thumbnail text -  - puff_pastry_1307 · 6h I found this cool rubber purse that was shaped like a 3d frog, with realistic coloring and everything, when I was 16. Carried it around school like the dweeb I was for a good 6 months. I have no regrets. G Reply 4 684 3 ... +

People Confess Past Obsessions They Swore Were Not A Phase But Ended Up Being A Phase

shave and play barbie doll for 2020 ~ thumbnail includes two pictures of barbie dolls with hairy bodies and faces and a razor included in the box

The 'Shave And Play' 2020 Barbie Doll Is Kinda Gross, But Cool

people share photos of their badass grandmas from back in the day - cover pic "my biker grandma sometime during the 60s!" black and white vintage photo of woman in sunglasses and a helmet sitting on a motorcycle

Photos Of People's Grandmas Who Were Badasses Back In The Day

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