

30 Super Sassy Memes for Chicas with Zero Chill This Summer

30 Super Sassy Memes for Chicas with Zero Chill This Summer

As the weather heats up, tensions rise. It's only natural. Yes, the sun can be a wonderful source of vitamin D, and it is true that we all feel a little better after 15 minutes sitting in the sun-- ‘sitting,’ being the operative word here. Ideally with a fun little cold beverage (or three) at hand. Having to live and walk and move and take public transportation in this heat is enough to drive anyone crazy. As summer unveils its highest temperatures, we unveil our lowest levels of tolerance for…
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New satirical ways to chill out | thumbnail text - visualize yourself calm

Brand-New, Innovative Methods To Chill TF Out The Right Way

Positive mantras just aren't doing it anymore
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Medieval Art Showing people getting Stabbed But Couldn't Care Less

People In Medieval Art Who Are Getting Stabbed But Literally Couldn't Care Less

The Middle Ages were brutal
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