celebrity twitter

Celebrities Who Do Bathe Take A Stand - Cardi B, Jason Mamoa and The Rock Are 'Pro-Showering'| Thumbnail Text - Nose - Cardi B @iamcardib It's Wassup with people saying they don't shower ? giving itchy.

Celebrities Who Do Bathe Take A Stand - Cardi B, Jason Momoa and The Rock Are 'Pro-Showering'

People Reveal Which Celebrities They Suspect Are Pure Evil In Private| thumbnail text - New-Ad3222 · 8h Arnie Hammer is allegedly a cannibal. Which must have made failing the audition for the role of Hannibal Lecter particularly disappointing.

People Reveal Which Celebrities They Suspect Are Pure Evil In Private

18 Ryan Reynolds Memes To Celebrate the Hunky "King of Twitter"| Thumbnail Text - Shirt - Ryan Reynolds O @VancityReynolds 3 of the most beautiful, considerate, and loving people l've ever known, and then there's Blake Www. COM You know, everybody thinks their baby's a genius My baby? Totally average

18 Ryan Reynolds Memes To Celebrate the Hunky "King of Twitter"

18 Super Savage Celebrity Tweets That Have Us Shook| Thumbnail Text - Hand - Drake Bell O @DrakeBell True colors have come out today. Message is loud and clear. Ties are officially cut. I'll miss you brotha 50cent O Follow @50cent I can't belive my grand mothers making me take Out the garbage I'm rich going home I don't need this Tweet this I'm

18 Super Savage Celebrity Tweets That Have Us Shook

people reveal the funny and ridiculous reasons celebrities blocked them on social media | thumbnail text - BonesyDekay 11 hours ago Jeffree Star once blocked me on MySpace because I kept leaving comments on his page saying things like "Hey man, great party last night!" to get random fans of his to send me friend requests. After maybe the third time, he responded angrily telling me to stop and blocked me from leaving comments.

People Reveal Funny And Ridiculous Reasons Celebrities Blocked Them On Social Media

Thirsty tweets for Henry Cavill | thumbnail text - Kyle @KyleThatkyle ... Henry Cavill is living the dream. He gets paid to be talented, buff, handsome, and to be cast in every fantasy show that needs someone to wield a two- handed sword. Good for him. 11:33 PM · May 21, 2021 · Twitter Web App

The Universe Can't Stop Thirsting Over Henry Cavill

Thirsty tweets about Joshua Bassett | thumbnail text - mari ... @zendolland at first i was like hmm i'm in love with joshua bassett as a joke but bro i don't think it's a joke anymore 10:30 PM · May 14, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

The Internet Desperately Thirsts Over Disney Star Joshua Bassett (May 20, 2021)

Twitter's Dramatic Response To The Return Of 'Bennifer'| thumbnail text - Matt Gabriele @prof_gabriele listen, it was “Bennifer" last time. this time it's "Jenjamin" 10:06 PM · May 10, 2021 · Twitter for Mac 371 Retweets 26 Quote Tweets 4,814 Likes

Twitter's Dramatic Response To The Return Of 'Bennifer'

Thirsty tweets for Bridgerton's Jonathan Bailey | thumbnail text -  Auntie Gay ... @As1z_ Every single day I act like I'm good, I act like l'm okay but deep inside I just really want Jonathan Bailey to take me on a date. 2:12 AM · Apr 1, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Twitter Desperately Thirsts Over Bridgerton's Jonathan Bailey (April 7, 2021)

Thirst tweets for Harry Styles | thumbnail text - @goldnangel ... direct deposit: $1400 me at harry styles merch shop: bring me harry styles 11:03 PM · Mar 17, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Thirstiest Tweets for Harry Styles Just In Time For Thirsty Thursday (March 18, 2021)

Best Tweets Summing Up The 2021 Golden Globes| Thumbnail text - - Hannah Solow @hamstert... · 8h •.. The golden globes are so embarrassing right now and I have done improv over zoom 4 27 5 110

Best Tweets Summing Up The 2021 Golden Globes

funny tweets about Kimye getting a divorce | thumbnail Tilly Kanye's Lawyer tillyksg JUST LIVE LOOK at Kanye discovering he's being DIVORCED after opening Twitter | Hoarse Whisperer @TheRealHoarse 000 Kim Kardashian and Kanye West reportedly divorcing. At this difficult time, please give them privacy and space they need make reality TV show and album about breakup. Page Six @PageSix Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are getting divorce She's done

RIP To Kim And Kanye, But Twitter's On Fire About Their 'Impending' Divorce

Kendall Jenner throws big birthday bash during pandemic, internet loses it | thumbnail includes two tweets Text - no but kendall jenner really threw a big ass party with all those celebrities without masks in the middle of a pandemic with a "no social media" rule so people wouldn't find out about it. ath' @jeonlvr · Nov 1 NO SOCIAL, MEDIA TAKE ALL OF THE PHOTOS YOU WANT, BUT PLEASE DO NOT POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA OF ANY KIND. 7.8K 17 2.8K 202 and jaden wearing that hospital mask??????? 27 26 ath @je

Kendal Jenner Hosts 'No Mask' Birthday Party, Internet Loses Its Mind

Macaulay Culkin funniest tweets | Macaulay Culkin @IncredibleCulk Here's some things doing instead watching oscars 1. Making ramen | Macaulay Culkin o @IncredibleCulk This is an updated Home Alone would actually look like.

Turns Out, Macaulay Culkin Is One Of The Funniest Tweeters

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37 Deleted Tweets By Celebrities That Cannot Be Erased From History

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Woman Tweets Her Story About The Singer Halsey And It Proves Just How Sweet This Celebrity Really Is