

catholic, catfish, catfishing, dating apps, dating, fail, family, dad, love life, single, christian

'You're still single because you're not on Christian dating apps': Audacious father catfishes dozens of men, posing as his daughter to prove a point

Our parents are always trying to meddle in our affairs when we're young and single. As if they're attempting to fast track their journey to becoming grandparents, Mom and Dad can't resist attempting to introduce you to ‘nice young men’ that they meet at church, the grocery store, or at the movie theater. For some, they simply ignore parental efforts to get you to start dating seriously, but those geezers hardly understand the legitimate logistical issues of finding a half decent person that's n…
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AITA thread about clash at sister's wedding | thumbnail text -  r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/ThrowawayNZ2000 16 hours ago O 2 18 29 S 16 A 26 S AITA for refusing to go to my sister's wedding over my same sex partner not being welcome? My sister is having a destination wedding in Hawaii next Spring with immediate family only (plus spouses/serious partners).

Bisexual Woman Unwelcome At Sister's Wedding If She Brings Her Girlfriend

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