

memes for anyone who cries at the thought of goin into work | thumbnail text - me trying to figure out how long i can stay in the restroom at work without getting fired A = r C= 2nn 1 + cos e cos - = 2 cot - = csc 0 + cot 0 2 1+ cos 0 cot - =+ 2 1- cos 0 V= aPh sin 0 cot 1- cos 6 土 O IN me at a job interview claiming working under also me I can work under pressure pressure

Memes For Anyone Who Dreads Going Into Work And Actually Doing Their Job

So basically these are for everyone, ever
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relatable memes for anyone who hates their job and their coworkers | thumbnail text - Boss : Show me the example of success Me : a HW TO SLEEP W Mg de When you just get to work on a Monday and your coworkers are all energetic and cheerful

Memes For Anyone Who Hates Their Job Or Coworkers With A Passion

It's time to quit
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Women Spill Some Truth-Tea On What Every Girl Really Needs To Know| thumbnail text - Rectangle - Elle_Vetica 15 hours ago Other women are not the enemy or the competition. That's just patriarchal bullshit used to divide and conquer us. Vote Share

Women Spill Some Truth-Tea On What Every Girl Really Needs To Know

Gentle reminder that you should do whatever the heck you want
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michael scott moments boss reddit awkward bosses | FridaysOnTheFly 1.6k points 1 year ago handed him an aerial image had printed. He told needed reprint and rotate 180 walked my cubicle, waited minute, handed back him right side up. His reply Perfect.

People Reveal Their Boss's Most Michael Scott-ish Moments

Asked an interviewee 'Aren’t you a little old for IT?'
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people share stories coworkers boss manager real askreddit | litkat16 16.5k points 16 hours ago had manager once who dumped trash on my desk my third day there. She said remind taking out trash part my job description wasn't research assistant at mortgage firm

People Share Real Stories Of Their Worst Coworkers

Wow. Just wow.
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boss fired askreddit stories nsfw lawsuit people | GrumpyScapegoat 1.4k points 4 days ago used math prove their superior severely my boss had underestimated turnover 3+ years row, costing ton money and labor issues. One day earlier boss had screamed at my team until his face went purple, making huge spectacle front entire floor gist were colluding against company by handful us) electing not renew our contracts. Came back with graphs and maths, baby. He demoted and transferred out couple weeks la

People Reveal How They Got Their Toxic Bosses Fired

Bad bosses (sometimes) get fired
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text boss awkward wrong number instagram twitter funny | Dany response can work next Friday or not! Message hi q wertyuiop s d fghikI do tell him don't wanna come back sent Danny No problem good bye oops sorry wanted be respectful Delivered Whatever. Goodbye no need talk about iMessage | Dany response can work next Friday or not! Message hi q wertyuiop s d fghikI do tell him don't wanna come back sent Danny No problem good bye oops sorry wanted be respectful Delivered Whatever. Goodbye no need t

Texts People Sent To Their Boss By Mistake, Which Backfired Horribly

Awkward Level: Infinity
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bosses, jerks, shaming, funny pics, work, jerk, boss, workplace, horrible, shame | Quit my job yesterday because tired unprofessional environment got this text my supervisor today. Ok know tomorrow is last day, but can take my Saturday closing shift s my nieces bday party Text message SMS

People Reveal Their Jerk Bosses Who Are Just The Worst

People shaming their horrible bosses
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funny cool bosses

20 Bosses Who Deserve The "World's Best Boss" Mug

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