

Woman Chooses Herself When Friend Refuses to Make An Effort In Their 12-Year Friendship, Friend Tries to Flip the Script But Is Unsuccessful

Woman gives ‘perpetually busy’ friend a taste of her own medicine after she fails to make an effort in their 12-year relationship, friend tries to flip the script: ‘I'll pass’

"Am I obligated to keep making an effort for someone who just can't or won't reciprocate?"
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Entitled MIL insists she plan woman's baby's birthday party even if the venue isolates woman's side of the family, woman refuses to let MIL be pushy like she was on her wedding day

New mom refuses to let pushy mother-in-law dictate her baby's birthday party after she tried to take over wedding plans 4 years prior: ‘She says I'm being unfair to her’

"So she threw a rehearsal dinner bigger and fancier than our wedding at a wedding venue."
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Pregnant Wife Is Left Dumbfounded When Absent Husband Wants To Party All Night on His Birthday, Requesting That She Take Their Child Home So He Can Do So

Pregnant Wife Refuses To Go to ‘Disengaged’ Husband’s Birthday Dinner Because He Wants Her To Take Their Child Home Early, Prioritizing Partying Over Family

"This majorly upset me because this whole pregnancy has not felt like a partnership what so ever. He only made one of my several ultrasounds..."
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Hostile Pregnant Woman Wants To Name Her First Child After Poop, Coworker Tries To Warn her| thumbnail text - Posted by u/overbearingbeachball 8 hours ago WIBTA for telling a woman she plans on naming her baby after poop?

Hostile Pregnant Woman Wants To Name Her First Child After Poop, Coworker Tries To Warn her

A little research could really do this woman well
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aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/DifferentAwareness79 20 hours ago CO 6 AITA for wanting my husband to talk to me at my birthday dinner? Not the A-hole My husband (58M) and I (48F) went out to dinner at a cute little eatery for my birthday. We've been married 25 years and rarely eat out. He doesn't like spending the money for restaurant food. However my mother, who knows how much I

Narcissistic Husband Gives Wife The Silent Treatment At Her Birthday Dinner For No Reason

An emotionally abusive relationship on AITA
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