

35 Marriage Material Memes Showcasing Strength and Spousal Support

35 Marriage Material Memes Showcasing Strength and Spousal Support

Before you say 'I do', make sure you do your research!
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People Tweet The Most Ridiculous Things They Thought When They Were Younger| thumbnail text - Angelle Conant @angell... · 12/20/20 Replying to @Kristen_Arnett ... I thought my parents got a divorce because my mom was bad at sex. And I came to that conclusion because on my mom's drivers license it said "Sex: F" 3 278 221

People Tweet The Most Ridiculous Things They Thought When They Were Younger

Education is a gift
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Women Expose Funny Things They Actually Believed As Kids| Thumbnail text - my-destructive-side 8 months ago I scolded my dad for drinking juice while he was driving once because I thought it was literally illegal to drink and drive. 7 + Share •..

Women Unveil Embarrassing Things They Actually Believed As Kids

Oh the imagination of a child.
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people share their bizarre childhood beliefs | thumbnail Text - Moose Friend @sarahthemoose Replying to @Kristen Arnett My dad told me the appendix was an organ our cavemen ancestors needed to hold rocks to grind up their food I was TWENTY TWO about to go in for emergency surgery, crying "I've never even eaten any rocks" when the ER docs had a good laugh at me 5:08 PM · Dec 20, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone >

People Reveal Weird Childhood Beliefs

The blissful ignorance of kids
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