
Time to raise the bar. If you walk the straight and narrow, and can toe that line on the bar, then maybe these straight-laced puns are for you to. So grab a pint and celebrate, but make sure you stay the course.

Bartender Tries Forcing Woman to Accept a Drink From a Regular Customer, Then Chastises Her for Refusing, Leading to a Wholesome Discussion About Boundaries

Bartender Tries Forcing Woman to Accept a Drink From a Regular Customer, Then Chastises Her for Refusing, Leading to a Wholesome Discussion About Boundaries

25 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a nightclub and one picture of text including 'I think he's got more insecurity than anything else. Shame it isn't a currency!'

'He won't let me work there': Overprotective Husband Forbids Wife From Working At Local Gay Bar Despite Being Broke And Unemployed

25 Memes for Boozy Babes Who Are Bartender’s Besties on Dates

25 Memes for Boozy Babes Who Are Bartender’s Besties on Dates

30+ Boozy Memes For the Blissful Besties Who Need A Break At A Bar This Weekend

30+ Boozy Memes For the Blissful Besties Who Need A Break At A Bar This Weekend

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Relationship Memes for Toxic Singles With Chaotic Energy and Full DMs

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole. Posted by u/throwoutit 15 hours ago AITA for leaving my date at a bar 2

Woman Ignores Date's Offer To Drive Her Home From Bar, Demands He Reimburse Her For The Uber She Ended Up Taking

twitter thread about guy buying drink for girl at the bar | thumbnail text -  Kristi Coulter @KristicCoulter Replying ANMalikSmith and @cindygallop says something about bar men these days want hug this guy. 11:46 PM Jul 31, 2022 Seattle, WA Twitter iPhone

Woman Recalls How A Man Bought Her A Drink At A Bar In The Most British Way Possible

drinks to order on a date | thumbnail text -

8 Fun AF Drink Orders That Will Surely Impress Your Hot Date

What Your Basic Cocktail Order Says About Your Style| Thumbnail text - Lisa Lemon @mseric21 · 11h ... #WomenLiveLongerThanMenBecause we had a meeting and decided it was best for everyone. 4 17 23 73

What Your Basic Cocktail Order Says About Your Style

the typical guys women meet at bars | thumbnail text - Granted, this guy is cute and charming as f*ck. If you weren't already super jaded, you would actually believe you found your prince. Alas, you've been around the block one too many times, so you're more than aware that this bar is Player Charming's local pick-up-chicks playground. You give him your number anyway — I mean, how could you resist?

Eleven Types Of Guys Women Meet At Bars

Funny reddit thread about crazy bartender experiences | thumbnail text -

Bartenders Reveal Their Wildest Encounters With Rowdy Customers

Weirdest pickup lines that may have actually worked| Thumbnail text -  LOCO5150 7 years ago "Do you have any Italian in you?" "No." "Do you want some?" 29 Give Award Share Report Save

People Expose The Weirdest Pickup Lines They've Ever Heard

bar Game of Thrones - 7679493

A New ‘Game of Thrones’ Pop Up Bar Is Coming To Chicago And You Can Drink With White Walkers

funny bar signs

Here Is a New Collection Of Funny Bar Signs That Made Us Laugh This Month