

You're making bank! Or maybe you're looking for a bank. Or maybe just looking for a way to make a joke out of mounting debt and loans that seem to just come from every direction. So dive into the world of economics and the funniest parts of banks and money you could find.

Entitled Sister Expects Woman To Fund Her Lavish Lifestyle, Despite Not Having Considered Getting A Job of Her Own and Sacrificing Her Luxuries

Woman Refuses To Financially Support Entitled Sister, Family Expects Woman To Fund Sister's ‘Ridiculous’ Lavish Lifestyle: ‘I worked so hard for what I have’

"She’s living irresponsibly and I don’t want to enable that behavior."
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‘I sent 6000 texts in 24 hours’: Clever man gets back at scammers who stole his wife's phone number and maxed out her credit card

‘I sent 6000 texts in 24 hours’: Clever man gets back at scammers who stole his wife's phone number and maxed out her credit card

We all want a dude so loyal that he would get back at scammers in a heartbeat for us.
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'This is on you': Wife Demands Husband Pay Out of Pocket After Finding $675 Charge on Joint Account, Husband Argues Marriage Is a ‘Partnership’

'This is on you': Wife Demands Husband Pay Out of Pocket After Finding $675 Charge on Joint Account, Husband Argues Marriage Is a ‘Partnership’

Lots of marriages have 'allowance' systems to manage personal spending, and if that reminds you of when your mom and dad gave you pocket money, it is not quite like that. These allowance systems are supposed to help relieve arguments, as your partner will not get mad at you for buying a pair of designer shoes or going rock climbing, and you won't get annoyed at them spending money on Candy Crush. So, what happens is both partners contribute from their own salaries to a joint account for bills a…
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