
It's in the bag. No seriously look it's in the bag. We don't have it physically, but it is there. However you consider it, the bag is definitely what the cat came out of. So reach into your bag of tricks and make some room for even more hilarious bag humor.

tote bags with hilarious messages on the front | thumbnail includes two bags Text - douche bag, at the weekend me and the girls like to get utterly shitfaced

Tote Bags With A Whole Lotta Sass

ramen handbag fashion fail of the week - thumbnail includes two pictures of woman holding ramen noodle handbag

Fashion Fail Of The Week: Ramen Noodles Handbags

pictures of crocs beach bags | woman in colorful jacket modeling posing with a red plastic rubber croc shoe bag | yellow croc bag next to a glass of pineapple slices

In Case Crocs Weren't Bad Enough, They've Come Out With A Beach Bag