
bad jokes

Bad jokes are the worst jokes that came full circle and became good jokes.

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31 Fatherhood Memes for the Dad Joke Masters Who Bring the LOLs Daily

Let's be real, we love the dad jokes
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AITA: 'She's an awful driver and kinda dumb, but at least she's hot!': Inconsiderate fiancé roasts his future wife on their wedding invitation website, sends it to the whole family as a 'surprise'

So does this mean the wedding is off?
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new mom upset over husbands constant sexist jokes | thumbnail text - Posted by u/professorplopsy 4 days ago 12 5 AITA for calling my husband ad*ck? Not the A-hole I (F33) and husband (M37) had a baby 5 months ago. He really wanted kids, I was on the fence. However, I am the one who does 99% of the baby stuff. Asking him to do something is like pulling teeth sometimes. He keeps making jokes like he doesn't need to do stuff, he has a wife for that, or he can't do something, he's holding the baby.

New Mom Lashes Out After Husband's Constant Sexist Jokes

Chauvinism is clearly alive and well
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relatable jokes about people's names

Here's Something Every Single Person Can Relate To, Terrible Jokes People Make About Their Names (14 Tweets)

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greek mythology bas jokes

Who Said Greek Mythology Couldn't Make For Funny Jokes?

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bad jokes dad jokes

Horrible Dad Jokes That Will Just Make You Laugh

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