

Don't be a baby, unless your mine. Then it's a different story. These juvenile posts will have you gooing and gaaing all day long.

Woman Requires Guests To Bring Expensive Gifts To Her Drive-By Baby Shower| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Careless_Diamond_930 · 15h + Join 2 2 e1 3 1 1 AITA for refusing to purchase a baby gift for my cousin's second baby shower?

Woman Requires Guests To Bring Expensive Gifts To Her Drive-By Baby Shower

Apparently getting a registry for a baby-shower is a thing
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Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper | thumbnail text - Posted by u/asiam46433 1 day ago O 11 10 S 28 4 AITA for making my (germaphopic) husband change our son's diaper? Not the A-hole My husband M27 and I f25 have a 2 months old together. He does everything almost except changing diapers He's a hardcore germaphobe so I handle the dirty part of our son's care. So my husband's been pestering me about the

Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper

That's one way to parent
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Some Of The Funniest Twitter Reactions To Kylie Jenner's Pregnancy Reveal| Thumbnail text - unique. @blkslut me pretending to be shocked that Kylie Jenner is pregnant even though a bunch of TikTok videos already confirmed it

Some Of The Funniest Twitter Reactions To Kylie Jenner's Pregnancy Reveal

Round 2
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Delusional Man Refuses To Keep His Distance After He Cheats On His Wife And Gets Another Woman Pregnant| Thumbnail text -  r/AmltheAsshole u/Winter_Management717 · 14h 2 1 e 2 AITA for telling my former BIL that we are no longer family and neither is his child?

Delusional Man Refuses To Keep His Distance After He Cheats On His Wife And Gets Another Woman Pregnant

Forgiveness is not always a viable option
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People Describe Hilarious Childbirth Stories| Thumbnail text - leave_no_tracy 2 years ago Three days after giving birth I decided to take a walk with my baby. Went down hill to a park and everything was fine. On the way back I just couldn't walk up the hill. Tried several times before calling an Uber to drive me five hundred feet to my house. 55 Give Award Share Report Save

People Describe Their Funny Childbirth Stories

Spoiler, babies don't come out lookin' too cute
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aita breastfeeding thread | thumbnail text -  r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/Chance_Object_7968 11 hours ago AITA for asking a women to breastfeed somewhere else? (Throwaway) I (27M) work a job that allows a very good amount of time for a lunch break. So much in fact that I'll regularly head down to a cafe (I really don't know ifs it a cafe but it's about pretty

Man Asks Woman At Cafe To Breastfeed Somewhere Else So He Can Focus On His Work

Being a mother is hard, and this dude made it even harder
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Wife Pretends To 'Try For A Baby' With Husband, But Secretly Gets An Abortion| Thumbnail text - Posted by u/Upset-One 6 hours ago AITA for getting angry at my SIL because of what she did?

Wife Pretends To 'Try For A Baby' With Husband, But Secretly Gets An Abortion

A conversation could've happened
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Entitled Woman Expects Sister To Give Her All Of Her Inheritance For Her IVF Treatments| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Throwawayysister 4 hours ago 4 AITA for not helping my sister and husband pay for their IVF treatment using my inheritance despite having no immediate use for it?

Entitled Woman Expects Sister To Hand Over All Of Her Inheritance For Her IVF Treatments

Something doesn't sit right here
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Sister-In-Law Complains About How She Is 'Too Fertile' To Couple Struggling To Have A Baby| thumbnail text - Posted by u/GlowingKash 3 hours ago O 3 96 3 5 14 AITA for walking out of a my husbands birthday dinner when his sister was complaining about her fertility

Sister-In-Law Complains About How She Is 'Too Fertile' To Couple Struggling To Have A Baby

Cry me a river
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aita baby abandoned in park | thumbnail text -

Negligent Future Sister-In-Law Abandons Baby Niece On Park Bench, Baby's Mom Refuses To Attend Wedding

Abandoning a baby in a park for two hours is insane
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Woman Insists On Giving Her Child The Same Name As Her Sister's Deceased Daughter| thumbnail text -  r/AmltheAsshole u/pilkurdentis · 14h O 1 9 18 e 12 3 25 56 1 AITA for "ruining my niece's birth" over a name?

Woman Insists On Giving Her Child The Same Name As Her Sister's Deceased Daughter

Some people really have no empathy
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Man Angry At Wife After She Says No To His BFF Moving In With Them And Their Newborn| thumbnail text -

Man Angry At Wife After She Says No To His BFF Moving In With Them And Their Newborn

Maybe wait until you don't have a newborn on your hands
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Woman Shamed By Ex Mother-In-Law For Opening Front Door While Breastfeeding Her Baby | thumbnail text - Posted by u/aitabreadtboob 1 day ago 25e12 3 19. 23 2 AITA For not putting my door? boob away when I answered the Not the A-hole I'm a single mom with an eighteen month old and a three week old, both on breast milk. Oldest is feeding up to five or six times a day, and baby is feeding every two to three hours, sometimes more often. Basically, my boobs are no longer my property, and wearing anyt

Woman Shamed By Ex Mother-In-Law For Opening Front Door While Breastfeeding Her Baby

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Entitled Father-In-Law Fuming Because He Can't Choose Name For Last Grandchild| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/AITA_disposable • 11h + Join 2 3 3 2 E 3 AITA: for not allowing my FIL to have a say in my unborn child's name, My (30M) and my father have the same initials. We have the same last name but different first and middle names. My wife's first name also starts with the same letter as mine. She took my name when we got married so we have the same first and last initials. When we got preg

Entitled Father-In-Law Fuming Because He Can't Choose Name For Last Grandchild

People love to test our patience
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Parents Discuss Times They Really Thought, 'Damn, My Baby Is Ugly'| thumbnail text - justasmucho • 15h As a mom of 2, my babies looked like weird misshapen potatoes. Puffy eyes, cone heads, squished ears. Newborns are weird looking. 6 Reply 1.1k ...

Parents Admit Times They Really Thought, 'Damn, My Baby Is Ugly'

It's okay, you can admit you thought it too
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pictures of creative pregnancy announcements | thumbnail includes two pictures of pregnancy announcements couple eating spaghetti with prego sauce | and woman eating for two while man drinks for two

Creative, But Weird Pregnancy Announcements

Making the big revalation in style
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