

Reddit thread about men who got away with appalling workplace crimes | thumbnail text - white water rafting

Women Reveal Appalling Workplace Crimes Their Male Coworkers Got Away With

If I were a boy...
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Jobs so bad women quit in the first week | thumbnail text - VagabondDreamGirl · 12h Day 1 at Albertsons and I think day 3 at McDonalds. So I apply for a job, I tell them my availability, they hire me...and then completely ignore my availability. As soon as I hit a conflict I stopped coming in. Week 2 at a car wash because I was there 60 hours but got paid for like 25. Apparently they clocked us out whenever there was downtime.

Work Conditions So Unbearable That Women Quit Within The First Two Weeks

Some jobs just aren't worth it
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Man On TikTok Asks Women To Explain What Sex Really Feels Like To Them| Thumbnail Text - Forehead - sara_ellison It's like the zebra stripe gum. You think it's got the most amazing taste and ??? ??? bam. 3 seconds later it tastes like playdoh. becki_w_the_good_hair You know how when you do a group project but in order to finish you end up doing all the work yourself. Kind of like that..

Man On TikTok Asks Women To Explain What Sex Really Feels Like To Them

We are cackling from the responses
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askwomen thread | thumbnail text - chrishurry007 · 2h If a girl has toilet paper on her shoe, lipstick on her teeth, a period accident, a wardrobe m

Women Reveal The Top Rules Of Girl Code

Don't go against the rules of feminism
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askwomen thread | thumbnail text -Alright alright alright

Movie One-Liners Women Regularly Use In Real Life

What, like it's hard?
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male fashion trends | thumbnail text - MoLo1472 · 8h Camouflage clothing as casual wear. Look if you're not fighting for freedoms or hunting our next meal, take that garbage off.

Men's Fashion Trends That Women Admitted They Can't Stand

Saggy pants are a no from us
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askwomen thread | thumbnail text - Font - applejax994 · 1d I have an ex whose last name is Loveless. Seriously. He cheated on me too.

16 Surnames That Are Too Ridiculous To Take

Last names we're definitely avoiding
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askwomen thread | thumbnail text - Intrepid_Ostrich_847 · 19h My MIL never lets me contribute anything to meals ("Don't bring anything. I've got it all covered!") And then while we eat, she moans about how nobody ever brings anything. I don't get it. She's also one of those women who refuses to share recipes. "Oh, just a little of that and a little of this." Like...what kind of woman doesn't share a recipe?? Annoying AF.

Women Reveal The Most Irritating Things About Their In-Laws

Some in-laws are wild
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askwomen thread | thmbnail text - ViolinOutOfTune · 16h An ex-boyfriend told me his mother was a more exciting and interesting woman than I would ever be. That's one of the many reasons he's my ex.

The Worst Mama Boys Women Have Ever Encountered

Little boys who seriously need to grow up
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women beign accused of doing things for male attention | thumbnail text -  mjsmore33 · 1d At 17 I had to have a lumpectomy to remove a large noncancerous tumor that was pressing on a nerve causing a lot of pain. I was accused of having the surgery in an attempt to get guys to look at my boobs.

Ridiculous Things Women Are Being Accused Of Doing For Male Attention

Please cut it out
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askwomen thread | thmbnail text - Kind-Set9376 · 15h I was approached once when I was in the middle of eating a slice of pizza. Like, my whole mouth was full and everything. That was terrible. Also, while working. I hated when people would hit on me while working.

The Worst Times And Places For Men To Approach Women

Don't wait for her otside the restroom
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askwomen post | thumbnail text - MaleficentBarnacle60 · 10h Girls who are genuinely supremely awkward and clumsy while being irresistibly beautiful. Gives damsel -in -distress and "pick-me's" vibes.~ think Twilight or maybe 50 Shades of Grey

Overused Female Tropes In Movies And TV Shows That Never Happen IRL

These rarely happen IRL
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Women on Reddit share the worst compliments they received from men they were attracted to | thumbnail text - dondavies954 1 day ago my high school crush said my mom was hotter than me& he couldn't wait for me to grow up "like that" it's been ten years, I look exactly the same

Women Reveal The Worst Compliments They Have Received From Men

Why are men such trash?
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pettiest fights people had with their significant others | thmbnail text - Bulkolives · 2d We've been having the same fight about coffee cups for literally years. I never finish the last sip or two of my coffee bc it's cold and not good at that point. He thinks this is wasteful. I think it's not only a negligible amount to waste, but am also mystified why he would insist I force myself to drink miserable dregs. The latest addition to the argument is now that I know the remaining sip infuriates h

The Pettiest Fights People Had With Their Significant Others

Petty ain't pretty
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wholesome things that make women smile | thmbnail text - chonk kitties

14 Wholesome Things That Make Women Smile No Matter What

These are a few of or favorite things
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things looked down pon becase women like them | thmbnail text - Responsible_Raisin · 10h Gossip. Men gossip as well, just that it's mostly associated with women. And gossip isn't necessarily always a bad thing! So much of what we know about the past was from people writing down things they see, conversations they've had...etc. Gossip can be a good thing!

14 Things That Are Looked Down Upon Simply Because Women Enjoy Them

Cocktails are cool
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