
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

people reveal the worst names of people they've met | thumbnail text - captainmagictrousers 8 days ago 3 S 2 My coworker named her baby "Strawberry Rain", which would be a great name if she had given birth to a bottle of shampoo.

People Reveal The Dumbest Names Of People They've Met

Reddit thread about times women were shamed for violating dress code | thumbnail text - Black_cat_follow 1 hour ago My parents and I were invited to our neighbors church once. We were going skiing/snowboarding afterwards so my mom and I wore jeans. The youth leader used me as an example of a "ungodly child" I was 17 and already a pagan. I just wanted to go snowboarding . Mom and I made sure dad knew how much we didn't like being there.

Ridiculous Moments Women Were Brutally Shamed For Violating Dress Codes

People Go Over Things That Should Definitely Be Done Before Doing The Deed| Thumbnail text - paleobear1 • 13h 16 Awards First step is the most crucial and possibly the most difficult one. And that is finding someone to have sex with. 6 Reply 1 22.1k 3 ...

People Go Over Things That Should Definitely Be Done Before Doing The Deed

disrespectful things guests did in people's homes - cover image story about someone using person's razor not for their face petewolfz | Petewolfz 1.0k points 13 hours ago had friend living with about week while he between places came home work one day, went bathroom and noticed he had used my razor. No big deal donebin bathroom went front room and noticed he had not shaved his face.

Disrespectful Things Guests Actually Did In People's Homes

People Expose The Fetishes They Will Never Understand| thumbnail text - omgyoucunt • 11h 2 Awards Whatever the f they were doing in Two Girls One Cup G Reply 4 714 3 ...

People Expose The Fetishes They Will Never Understand

People Call Out 'Typically Unattractive' Things That Actually Hardcore Attract Them| thumbnail text - Tingusspinguss · 21h Being shy or a little closed off. Like what are you hiding, I want to know.

People Call Out 'Typically Unattractive' Things That Actually Hardcore Attract Them

ob/gyns reveal craziest things they heard husbands and boyfriends say | thumbnail text -  AthanasiusJam 11 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago S He complimented my surgical ability, stating that he had been to many strip clubs, and he has never seen such a beautiful C-section scar.

OB/GYN’s Reveal The Craziest Things They've Heard Boyfriends And Husbands Say

Fifteen Of The Dumbest Things People Were Actually Told| thumbnail text - ManEEEFaces • 1y "I don't have to wear a condom because I smoke weed and it makes me sterile." He was a 15 year old kid that had a job cleaning houseboats. 4.3k ...

Fifteen Of The Dumbest Things People Were Actually Told

people reveal things that are cool if you're handsome but creepy if you're ugly - cover pic redditor example living in a Volkswagen van | VegetableArmy7 8 points 5 hours ago Living Volkswagen van. Handsome hippy, clean carbon foot print blagh blagh blagh Ugly=creepy and homeless

Things Which Are Nice And Sexy If You’re Handsome, But Creepy If You’re Ugly

Teeny-Tiny Things That Guys Find Really Attractive About Women| thumbnail text - Electric_kundalini • 3h When they put a hand on their hip to accentuate their curves. I don't know why but I think it's cute as fuck.

Teeny-Tiny Things That Guys Find Really Attractive About Women

people share the things that killed their crush on someone | thumbnail text - "He picked his nose and wiped it on a door handle. People were watching"

People Reveal What Instantly Killed Their Crush On Someone

People Unveil Their Petty Sexual Pet Peeves| Thumbnail text - WildUnit · 10h When I tell a guy certain things that I don't like or I know don't work for me and then he does them anyway because they're part of his standard moves and they think it will be different with them. Actually, I know my own body really well so you can take my word for it.

People Unveil Their Petty Sexual Pet Peeves

people share the cringiest bride and groom moments they ever witnessed | thumbnail text - toxictribe 8 months ago · Bride shows up almost 2 hours late to her own wedding. Southern California in an open field no water no shade. She shows up and wants to get married in her yoga outfit. the groom shut it down and when she refused to change her clothes the groom decided to leave her looking stupid and they never got married.

Most Painfully Uncomfortable Bride And Groom Moments People Ever Witnessed

people reveal why they broke up with their partners over sex | thumbnail AtLeastNineToes 3 days ago He lasted like 30 seconds and went soft while the condom was still in, so I had to pull out the slimy sucker myself lol

People Reveal Brutally Honest Reasons They Left Their Partners Because Of Sex

Completely Non-Sexual Things That Feel Very Sexual For No Reason| Thumbnail text - Anavalym · 4h The guys strapping you in on a roller coaster. Are we gonna kiss? Why are you giving me that eye contact? G Reply 109 ...

Completely Non-Sexual Things That Feel Very Sexual For No Reason

moments people knew their relationships were over | thumbnail text -  FREESHAVOCADO0 · 37m Relationship 1, when my other half said they'd always listen to their mother instead of me which meant we couldn't be in an adult relationship. Bye. Relationship 2, when the guy said he would always meet up with this girl he wanted to sleep with and there was nothing I could do about it. Oh, and he'd been stealing from his job, which I'd helped him get. Goodbye.

The Moments People Knew Their Relationships Were Definitely Over