

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Insecure Woman Makes Roommate Wear A Bra And Eat In Her Room So She Doesn't Distract Her BF| Thumbnail Text - Rectangle - AITA for wearing sexy clothes around my roommate's boyfriend? I study in the city and I share an apartment with two other girls. It was all fine until one of my roommate's boyfriend started hanging around

Insecure Woman Makes Roommate Wear A Bra And Eat In Her Room So She Doesn't Distract Her BF

Jealousy with demands
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Reddit thread about what happened to the cool kids in high school | thumbnail text -  Runawaybucket · 1d · edited 1d 3 8 17 & 38 More My husband was the prom king and star athlete. I was a super awkward marching band nerd with severe scoliosis and a heart condition. He's always been sweet, silly, smart and kind. Still can't believe we're married.

Spouses Who Married The Cool Kids From High School Tell All About What They're Like Now

Spoiler alert: they're still pretty cool
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Man Refuses To Pay For Date And Leaves Her There Because It Was 'Awkward'| Thumbnail Text - Botany - AITA for not paying for my date? So me (26M) and Kyla (24F) matched on a dating app. We messaged a few times but nothing really happened from it. Couple months later we see each other at a mutual friends wedding. We talk most of the night and have a great time. SERAR R CA 00 DOLLARS ENEEVE N HB 35048587 506565 D EHUNDREID HL PEDKIE

Man Refuses To Pay For Date And Leaves Her There Because It Was 'Awkward'

Time to debate date politics
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Men Reveal Things A Woman Could Never Truly Understand| thumbnail text - pwwafwl6 • 15h 3 5 Awards That when two men hang out its completely normal to not talk about important stuf or at all G Reply 4 13.8k ...

Men Reveal Things A Woman Could Never Truly Understand

We're all a little misunderstood
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Baby-faced women share their funniest encounters | thumbnail text - klooberry 13 days ago I was in my early 20s when the sample lady at Costco wouldn't let me have one because I needed to have an adult present in case I was allergic.

Baby-Faced Women Reveal Their Funniest Daily Interactions

Drinking from the fountain of youth forever
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Delusional Man Invites Buddies To Honeymoon Without Asking His Fiancée| Thumbnail Text - Drinkware - AITA for suggesting to my fiancée that we make our honeymoon inclusive to our friends? I'm getting married in 7 months and one week after the wedding we will plan our honeymoon which will be in a resort of our country, around a 2 hour flight.

Delusional Man Invites Buddies To Honeymoon Without Asking His Fiancée

It's a honeymoon bro
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Female Reddit users discuss their first thoughts in the morning | thumbnail text - My god, I need a good fucking. Shit, I woke up.

Women Reveal Honest Morning Thoughts

Mornings aren't for the weak
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26 Year Old Sister Refuses To Adopt Teen Sister After Mom Dies| Thumbnail Text - AITA refusing take custody my 16 Y.O sister after mom died 26 and have 15 y.o sister who's boarding high school. Our single mom passed away 3 years ago

26 Year Old Sister Refuses To Adopt Teen Sister After Mom Dies

Where is she supposed to go?
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People From Foreign Countries Reveal Some Hard To Swallow Pills For a Americans| thumbnail text - Sufficient_Vanilla18 · 1h The way you add tax to everything at the till is mental. Just tell me what it costs on the fricking label! G Reply 4 575 3 ...

People From Foreign Countries Reveal Some Hard To Swallow Pills For Americans

Time for some bubbles to burst
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How women let men know they're horny | thumbnail text - PhreedomPhighter · 1h a I do a loud mating call. That way if my man doesn't want to then someone nearby will hear it and come running.

Here's How Women Let Men Know They're DTF

U up?
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Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving| Thumbnail Text - Food - AITA for refusing to speak to my mother since thanksgiving So I, 23F, haven't spoken to my mom, 45F, since Thanksgiving because of her new husband, 37M. Both me and my mother have a migraine condition that literally puts us out of commission until it's gone. I'm talking not even able to drink water because I'll throw it up, moving to a different position in bed is sometimes too

Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving

She slept through the turkey, what's the big deal?
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Reddit women talk about the weirdest things men said to them at the gym | thumbnail text -  I had a guy come on the treadmill next to mine and after trying to make a bit of small talk, asked me if he could buy my undies from me when I had finished my work out.

Women Disclose The Weirdest Things Men Have Said To Them At The Gym

Please just let us work out in peace
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Waffle House Chef Trolls Man By Cooking His Eggs Wrong - Leads To Multiple Fist Fights| Thumbnail Text - Food - My (29F) Boyfriend (29M) keeps getting into fights with a cook at Waffle House It's a pattern. My BF orders runny eggs. The cook servers him some other version of eggs. Then they start beating the sh*t out of each other.

Waffle House Chef Trolls Man By Cooking His Eggs Wrong - Leads To Multiple Fist Fights

A side of violence with your breakfast, sir?
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Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl| Thumbnail Text - Water - AITA for yelling at my wife for potentially endangering our kids? Yesterday a little girl (7) with heavy special needs ran away from her school and ended up in my backyard. My wife is a SAHM to our 3 kids (6f, 3f, 6mo m) and was home with our younger 2 and she eventually saw the little girl in our backyard. It was pouring and the wind was very strong

Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl

The only real danger is this man's ideals
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Scheming Husband Secretly Sells His Wife's Sandwiches At Work So He Can Buy Fast Food Instead| Thumbnail Text - Food - My F33 husband M37 works at an advertising company. We're struggling a bit financially because we're saving up to purchase a new aprtment. He is used to eating fast food and it was costly. He had no problem spending

Scheming Husband Secretly Sells His Wife's Sandwiches At Work So He Can Buy Fast Food Instead

A sandwich served with audacity on top
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Reddit thread about men who got away with appalling workplace crimes | thumbnail text - white water rafting

Women Reveal Appalling Workplace Crimes Their Male Coworkers Got Away With

If I were a boy...
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