

Men Reveal Wildest Truths They Found Out About Women This Week

Men Reveal Wildest Truths They Found Out About Women This Week

Consider our brains fried from laughter
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Find niche big chubby bearded dude with dad bod

Men Who Are Not Conventionally Attractive Reveal How They Approach Dating

Find your niche
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Men Disclose What Has Become Less Attractive To Them With Age

Men Disclose What Has Become Less Attractive To Them With Age

We can't all be young forever
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reddit post | thumbnail text - What something do women wear (Clothes/Dress), which is an immediate turnoff.? Leopard print, ridiculously long finger nails are two off the top of my head. Sundresses however...a woman wears one of those and I may feel obligated to propose Imao

Men Reveal What Clothes Women Wear That Turn Them Off

let's not start disrespecting rompers...
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Agi7890 1 day ago Job title. As store manager retail, very meh. As chemist had far more women come around and kick tires

Men Reveal Changes They Made That Increased Women's Interest In Them

Those magic changes
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askmen post | thumbnail text -1 day ago rather not wrestle with green monster. Historically lose.

Men Reveal How They Would Feel If Their Significant Other Wanted To Explore Polyamory

Most of the guys weren't big fans of the idea
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askmen post | thumbnail text - offdee11 18 hr. ago Male view as positive and be thankful. But, still not let her contribute. Tell her she can buy drink or two on next date.

Men Reveal How They React To Women Offering To Split The Check On The First Date

Most view it as a green flag
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Men Share Their Red Flags And Green Flags For Dates

Men Reveal Their Red Flags And Green Flags On Dates

Listen up ladies, these are good.
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Questioning Youngling 8 hr. ago be ecstatic as think have better taste friends than my sister has guys.

Men Reveal How They Would Feel If Their Best Friend Started Dating Their Sister

Many dudes were cool with it
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askmen post | thumbnail text - dayzdayv 3 hr. ago had long hair hot minute. Wife had hold back while vomited food poisoning feel like got lot achievements night.

Men Reveal Weird Relationships Milestones They Have Experienced

When a couple gets too comfortable
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askmen post | thumbnail text - WeLoveYouJoshua 8 hr. ago "Add my Insta just here shamelessly plug myself and get more followers; definitely have no interest messaging any back"

Men Attempt To Interpret What Certain Phrases Really Mean On Dating Apps

Women's dating app bios deciphered by men
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Crabbagio 16 hr. ago Communication is king. Don't sweat small stuff. Both parties need compromise, because if 's all one sided ll blow out eventually.

Men Reveal Important Lessons They Learned From Their First Serious Relationships

Everything is a lesson
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Chapea12 30 min. ago Before our wedding, my wife would joke that if I wasn't crying when she came down the aisle, she'd turn around and start over. Turns out, I started sobbing like a baby the moment I saw her

Men Reveal What Their Thoughts Were When They First Saw Their Wives In Their Wedding Dresses

A list of love
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askmen post | thumbnail text - r/AskMen. Posted by u/_scarlett_phoenix_ 9 hours ago Do guys take off their shirts show off girl they like? My coworker took his shirt off front while were at work alone have also seen him staring at bit and making lot jokes and complimenting lot other staff members, which apparently he never does about anyone else he took his shirt off had just closed up shop and were alone staff room.)

Man Takes Off His Shirt In Front Of Female Coworker, Debate Ensues About Whether It's A Sign He's Into Her Or Not

Single and shirtless
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askmen post | thumbnail text - Round_Baseball_8328 20 hr. ago. edited 20 hr. ago my experience women very rarely fling themselves at anyone, muscular or otherwise. My physique does make more confident though and seems make women more receptive general, but never been approached.

Men Debate Whether They Get More Female Attention When They're More Muscular

For the bros that life
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askmen post | thumbnail text - BigpapiiJ 17 hr. ago Men are very reserved comes their partners (if long term committed relationships Last thing ever do is display my wife others only time heard is men who were into swinging or similar lifestyles and 's irrelevant this topic.

Men In Long-Term Relationships Reveal What They Really Think About Locker Room Talk

Locker room talk isn't as common as we thought
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