
art memes

40 classical art memes about love and relationships | Thumbnail includes art meme including 'When you look at your crush and start building your future together in your head.' and art meme of a couple including 'My friend thinks you're cute I'm the friend Which friend?'

40 Fine Art Memes that Show the Face of Satisfied Women in Relationships

Satisfaction comes in many forms.
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42 classical art memes about dating | Thumbnail is two of said memes, on the left a painting of an old man asking a young woman what her sign is and she says do not enter, on the right two works of art of a woman looking into the distance, joking about a woman who is supposed to find her partner before the age of 35

42 Witty Fine Art Memes to Illustrate That Bad Dating Is Timeless

'We're over it' - women, even in the 1800s.
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