
Americans Reveal Things That Are Totally Normal In Europe But Totally Not In The US| thumbnail text - Gabe_Isko · 20 hr. ago It's a hot day in Rome. Need a refreshing drink? How about some lukewarm sparkling water. 368 Reply Share •••

Americans Reveal Things That Are Totally Normal In Europe But Totally Not In The US

People Reveal What Screams, "I'm American"| thumbnail text - LordKyrielight - 5h Checking someone's profile online and finding at least one of the following statements: • Their faith. • Their race. • Their ethnicity. Also when people talk to an active or retired soldier and start their their conversation with "thanks for your service".

People Reveal What Screams, 'I'm American'

Unspoken Social Rules In The US That Are Good To Know For Foreigners| Thumbnail text - lamREBELoe • 16h 1 Award How are you doing? Is answered with "good", "great", or "fine" followed by "and you?". Nobody expects the real answer or an explanation of how to really are, its a courtesy. If you try to give a real answer, people won't know how to react. G Reply 4 422 3 ...

Unspoken Social Rules In The US That Are Good To Know For Foreigners

Funny But Low-Key Legitimate Questions Americans Have For British People| thumbnail text - Nazuna's boyfriend ♡ ★ ... . .. @ΤΟΥΒΟΝΝΙE why do british people call their moms "mum" but they don't call their dads "dud"? 8:14 AM · Jul 11, 2020 · Twitter Web App 66 Retweets 6 Quote Tweets 461 Likes

Funny But Low-Key Legitimate Questions Americans Have For British People

People From Foreign Countries Reveal Some Hard To Swallow Pills For a Americans| thumbnail text - Sufficient_Vanilla18 · 1h The way you add tax to everything at the till is mental. Just tell me what it costs on the fricking label! G Reply 4 575 3 ...

People From Foreign Countries Reveal Some Hard To Swallow Pills For Americans

Non-Americans Expose The Dumbest Thing An American Actually Said To Them| thumbnail text - 66 "I didn't know Alabama had its own language." After I said I speak Albanian.

Non-Americans Expose The Dumbest Thing An American Actually Said To Them

Australians Brutally Roast American Food, And It Gets Personal| thumbnail text - Needmoresnakes · 14d Biscuits and gravy. They served it to my Mum when she was in Texas on holiday. What the hell you guys. 9 Reply Share ...

Australians Brutally Roast American Food, And It Gets Personal

10 Fascinating Facts About Oral Sex| thumbnail text - Photograph - In Medieval Europe, oral sex was banned because it was considered "unnatural," since it could not lead to procreation. Those found guilty of cunnilingus were given four years' penance for their sin, while those who committed fellatio were given five.

10 Fascinating Facts About Oral Sex

Weird Stereotypes About America Which Foreigners Found Out Are Actually True| thumbnail text - PlaidSkirtBroccoli • 1y Masked people come to your house, knock on your door asking for candy. Mostly it's just packs of kids but sometimes whole families. This was my friends Halloween culture shock. 1.7k ...

Weird Stereotypes About America Which Foreigners Found Out Are Actually True

Non-Americans Roast The Things They Truly Don't Understand About American Schools| thumbnail text - jisung pwark @chromaticaution •.. why do american schools have hall passes? is walking in the halls really that serious??? so confused

Non-Americans Roast The Things They Truly Don't Understand About American Schools

Things That Are Completely Normal In Europe But Horrific In The US| thumbnail text - climbmea · 6h At least in Germany, nudity. No one cares if you're naked, no one thinks you're a sex offender, no one thinks it's even sexual to be naked unless you're actively having sex, and no one makes it weird.

Things That Are Completely Normal In Europe But Horrific In The US

Non-Americans Call Out Ridiculous Encounters They've Had With Americans In Their Country| thumbnail text - Serg645 · 2h Worked in a suburban sandwich store in Australia with prices listed. US tourist lady asks "are those prices in US Dollars?" G Reply 1 311 3 ...

Non-Americans Call Out Ridiculous Encounters They've Had With Americans In Their Country

things that only happen in america | thumbnail text - WhataSadCreature1111 · 1y There is a place a short drive from my house that is a firearms/military merchandise store in the front half of the building and in the back half, just down a short hallway, is a BBQ restaurant. Its a magical place.

Things That Just Scream 'Murica, Heck Yeah!' In Honor Of America's Birthday

The Weirdest Thing's Non-American's Heard American's Say| thumbnail text - stoopio-oh · 4d "Wow you speak American very well for a foreigner" Thanks lady, I'm Canadian and "American" is the only language I know

The Weirdest Things Non-American's Heard Americans Say

epic fourth of july party tips | thumbnail text - a very famous duel in American history took place between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Even though Hamilton got killed as a result of this duel, he would have wanted you to do the same on the 4th of July. Or at least that's what the USA-themed jello shots will be telling you. It's the perfect time to start a fight with that coworker everyone lowkey hates

Throw A Fourth of July Party So Epic That Even The Founding Fathers Would Be Proud

ron swanson 4th of july quotes

Nothing Screams "Happy Birthday, America!" More Than A Dump Of Ron Swanson Quotes

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