
Tattoo Artists Reveal The Weirdest Things They Had To Tattoo| thumbnail text - astrogeeknerd · 7 hr. ago Not a tattoo artist, but my son has the entry stamp from his favourite nightclub tattooed on his forearm, it got him free entry for a full week before his friend stole the clubs stamp, and they bought a new, different, stamp.

Tattoo Artists Reveal The Weirdest Things They Had To Tattoo

16 People Share Their Most Unpopular Music Opinions| Thumbnail Text - Face - "Adele is incredible. Her songs are blah.'

16 People Share Their Most Unpopular Music Opinions

Woman Hid Pregnancy News From Her Family Until She Was 7 Months In| Thumbnail Text - Arm - AITA for not telling my family l'm 7 months pregnant? I (26 F) am pregnant with my boyfriend's child. We aren't married yet, but we will probably get married after the baby is born. My parents are very judgmental about unmarried couples having babies.

Woman Hid Pregnancy News From Her Family Until She Was 7 Months In

People Disclose Things That Could Literally Kill Them But They Do Everyday Anyway| Thumbnail text - comicsemporium · 18h Eating to many donuts. Just gotta stop

People Disclose Things That Could Literally Kill Them But They Do Everyday Anyway

Crazy MIL Hangs Pictures Of Son's Ex-Wife In His New Home| thumbnail text - Posted by u/alt_account_ad 4 hours ago 2 2 3 3 AITA for banning mil out of my house after she hung a picture of my husband's ex on the wall?

Crazy MIL Hangs Pictures Of Son's Ex-Wife In His New Home

Step-Dad Accused Of Stealing Son's Love And Attention Away From 'Real' Dad| Thumbail Text - Font - AITA for allowing my stepson to call me dad? My wife (39F) and I (36M) got married and moved in together last year after 3 years of dating. She has a son (15M) with her ex- husband (42M). He was never abusive to any of them but he used to be extremely cold emotionally distant and easily irritable

Step-Dad Accused Of Stealing Son's Love And Attention Away From 'Real' Dad

Misguided Man Claims That Naming A Dog 'Yankee' Is Super Offensive| Thumbnail Text - Dog - AITA For giving my dog an "offensive" name and then refusing to change it? I have several dogs, one of which is an American Akita. His name is Yankee. I thought it was funny, and he seems to like his name.

Misguided Man Claims That Naming A Dog 'Yankee' Is Super Offensive

Entitled Parents Expect Brother-In-Law To Cancel His Plans To Watch Their Kids Whenever| thumbnail text - Posted by u/IamAndy123 9 hours ago 3 5 AITA for leaving the house when my SIL said she was on her way to drop the kids off for me to watch?

Entitled Parents Expect Brother-In-Law To Cancel His Plans To Watch Their Kids Whenever

Delusional Pregnancy Women Expects Brother To Cancel And Post-Pone Wedding For Her| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Recent-Employment636 13 hours ago 3 3 3 3 + AITA for not cancelling my wedding because my SIL's due date is close to our wedding date?

Delusional Pregnant Woman Expects Brother To Cancel And Post-Pone Wedding For Her

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA getting mad at my sister not using baby talk she speaks my daughter? My 28F sister 31F looks after my daughter maybe once month or so. She's kind and my husband's backup backup babysitter since she's not really kid person know she loves and cares her niece but one thing 's always bothered is she speaks my daughter like an adult. Doesn't baby talk with her at all brought up with her this

Unreasonable Mom Fuming When Her Sister Won't Speak To Her Baby in Baby Talk

K-Pop Loving Woman Is Adamant About Naming Her Son 'Jong-hyun' Against Husband's Wishes| Thumbail Text - Cloud - AITA for not wanting to name my (33M) son Jong-hyun? My wife (32F) and I are expecting our first bundle of joy. We're absolutely thrilled. I personally can't wait to be a dad. The due date is April 21st. We're from Ireland. My wife has been a huge fan of the South Korean boy band Shinee since 2008...

K-Pop Loving Woman Is Adamant About Naming Her Son 'Jong-hyun' Against Husband's Wishes

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA tipping our waitress 20 dollars despite her poor service, because my date playing game" with her tips met guy on dating app hit off and arranged our first date. Things were going well had sat down and had started some small chat. Our waitress comes over asking us want order.

Entitled Snob Threatens To Take Away Server's Tip If Service Isn't Up To Par On First Date

Delusional Husband Yells At Postpartum Wife For 'Not Pulling Her Weight' On Chores| Thumbnail Text - Joint - AITA for telling my wife one month postpartum she needs to pull her weight? So my wife (28) and me (31 M) welcomed our first kiddo into the world a month ago! I make enough to provide so she quit her job during her pregnancy to stay at home. I only got a couple of weeks off after she gave birth so I do understand

Delusional Husband Yells At Postpartum Wife For 'Not Pulling Her Weight' On Chores

Volatile MIL Says She Has To Live With Her 'Golden Boy' Son Against DIL's Wishes| Thumbnail text - Rectangle - AITA for not allowing my husband's sick mom to live with us? My husband's mom has been generally sickly the last few years but has gone down hill this last year. She's a widow and it's gotten to the point where it's not good for her to live alone. However, I do not want her living with us.

Volatile MIL Says She Has To Live With Her 'Golden Boy' Son Against DIL's Wishes

Stay-at-home mom teaches husband lesson and locks herself in room to play video games Text - Posted by u/ClassroomLonely 6 days ago 25 17 321 12 26 AITA for making my husband take over for a day so I can play video games? Not the A-hole I am a mom of 4. I know, that's alot of kids, but I wouldn't change it. The kids are 10m, 9f, 6m, and 2m. I am a stay at home mom while my husband works m-f 9-5. His saturdays are pretty relaxed, he hangs out with the kids

Mom Makes Husband Take Over 'Household Duties' For a Day, Plays Video Games

Woman Reported By Coworker For Eating 'Sexy Potatoes' At Work| thumbnail text - AITA for eating sexy potatoes? It honestly feels ridiculous that I have to post this but my coworker has been getting onto me about this for weeks now, so I have to ask.

Woman Reported By Coworker For Eating 'Sexy Potatoes' At Work