
Wedding Dress Associate 'Accidentally Fat Shames' A New Bride In The Shop| Thumbnail text - Wedding dress - AITA for telling a size 30 customer I won't recommend trying on a size 14 dress? I work as a bridal sales associate. The other day I'm assigned my bride, I ask the bride if she's tried on any dress before...

Wedding Dress Associate 'Accidentally Fat Shames' A New Bride In The Shop

Mother Refuses Take Off Her Daughters Tiara At Wedding After Bride Asks| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwra_tiara 22 hours ago AITA for letting my daughter wear a tiara to my cousin's wedding?

Mother Refuses To Take Off Daughter's Tiara At Wedding Even After Bride Asks

Irish Teen Punished For Refusing To Have Her Culture Exploited In American High School| thumbnail text - AITA because I don't want to share my Irish culture with my American classmates? My (16F) family and I recently moved from Dublin, Ireland, to a small town in the South of the United States, a real "Bible Belt" town where it seems they don't get a lot of "foreigners" like myself and my family.

Irish Teen Punished After Refusing To Have Her Culture Exploited In American High School

aita,askreddit,reddit,glasses,parenting,Parenting Fail,Parenting fails,fatherhood,widow,money,babysitter,babysitting

Delusional Dad Refuses To Pay For Babysitter's Glasses After Daughter Breaks Them

former wife wants to know if she is obligated to give up her married name when new wife asks her to | thumbnail r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/namechangethrowaway0 3 months ago 2 AITA not changing my name? Not hole So this just happened and not sure feel. My ex and divorced 12 years ago have two children and share custody have great coparenting relationship and have had zero issues with anything since our divorce. My ex met his now wife five years ago and get along good as well. She is good stepmom

Entitled Wife Fuming Because Her Husband's Ex-Wife Refuses To Get Rid Of His Name

Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers|Thumbnail text - Finger - AITA for giving all of my coworkers a different reason for why Thave missing fingers? I have three fingers missing on my dominant hand. It's fine. I can type and everything and even manage to tie my shoelaces most days (and on the days I can't, that's the dyspraxia).

Woman Makes Up Different Stories Every Time Someone Asks How She Lost Her Fingers

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwtri434346 21 hours ago O2 S 2 AITA implying my boyfriend is cheap because V-day gift he got ?

Ungrateful Girlfriend Implies Her Boyfriend Is Cheap Over The Valentine Day's Gift He Made For Her

guy ruins his wife's expensive gender reveal on Facebook and she's fuming | thumbnail Text - Posted by u/Beneficial-Poetry-74 2 days ago 25 10 S 12 11 AITA for ruining my childs gender reveal? Not the A-hole Myself (27M) and my wife (27F) are having a boy, we already have a girl who is now 2. My wife is really into films, oscar type films and she is like an analyser when watching them so she wanted to make a gender reveal short film, 10 minutes long to say we're having a

Guy Ruins Wife's Expensive Gender Reveal On Social Media, She Deems It Unforgivable

Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job| Thumbnail Text - Product - AITA for refusing to help out a pregnant coworker? I know the title might sound bad but please hear me out. I work in childcare and am currently in the 1-2 year old room. As you can imagine there are a lot of nappies (diapers) that need to be changed every day.

Pregnant Woman Refuses To Change Diapers At Daycare Job

Anal BF Puts A Tracking Device In His Valentine's Gift For His GF| thumbnail text - Posted by u/tellornottell3 3 hours ago 2 4 23 S 4 AITA for wanting to tell my brother's fiancée about the tracking app he secretly installed in the new phone he bought for her?

Controlling BF Puts A Tracking Device In His GF's Valentine's Day Gift

Man Repeatedly Cheats On His Soon-To-Be Husband With A Woman| Thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwowowowowoa 10 hours ago AITA for calling my friend a homewrecker

Man Repeatedly Cheats On His Soon-To-Be Husband With A Woman

aita post | thmbnail text - Posted by u/Isheright5757 19 hours ago ,6 a 3 7 AITA for backing out of cooking for my husband after he hid my keyboard?

Controlling Husband Confiscates Wife's Laptop Keyboard Because She Didn't Cook Dinner On Time

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA for telling my mom i won't take care of her once she's too ill to care for herself? I (f19) am the youngest of 5. I have four older brothers (21,22,25,28). Just to give some background my mom has always loved being a boy mom. She dotes on them and made it very very clear she never wanted to and didn't like having a daughter. She never liked me and i accepted that long time ago and her behavior towards me worsened when my dad left her.

Entitled Mother Expects Daughter To Be Her Caretaker After Treating Her Like Garbage Her Whole Life

Captain Cheapskate Makes Friends Help Him Move House Without Repaying Them| Thumbnail text - Product - AITA for not buying lunch for the people that helped me move? I've been in a bit of a bad place financially for a while now. Living in a crappy apartment, paycheck to paycheck. I am still not doing much better but got a job in a cheaper city, in a decent apartment.

Captain Cheapskate Makes Friends Help Him Move House Without Repaying Them

Man Brings Bell To Dinner-Date To 'Grab The Staffs Attention'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Blain-Ad-5996 5 hours ago 3 7 AITA for cancelling dinner when my boyfriend brought a bell to the diner to "grab" II the staff's attention?

Man Brings Bell To Dinner-Date To 'Grab The Staffs Attention'

aita post | thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwaway78274 9 hours ago 2 AITA not letting my girlfriend go an event because clothes she chose wear?

Boyfriend Doesn't Let Girlfriend Go To His Work Event In Risque Clothing, Gets Threatened By Her Family And Friends