
'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband moves out and shames his wife as punishment for spending a weekend with her friends, even though she balances a full time job and parenting without his help

'AITA for having an affair?': Cheating husband betrays his wife with cancer, tries to justify it because she wasn't spicy enough in the bedroom

'AITA for having an affair?': Cheating husband betrays his wife with cancer, tries to justify it because she wasn't spicy enough in the bedroom

AITA: 'Definitely a double life': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

AITA: 'Someone has a second family': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

AITA UPDATE: 'She knew I would hate it': Selfish girlfriend forgets her BF's birthday and buys him gifts that she ends up stealing, BF retaliates by trashing her latest present

AITA UPDATE: 'She knew I would hate it': Selfish girlfriend repeatedly forgets her BF's birthday and buys him gifts that she ends up stealing, BF retaliates by trashing her latest present and calling her out

Gesture - "I'm so tired of it though and believe he can wash a few dishes every now and then to help me out. He points out that he already told me if he can't use the dishwasher he's not doing any dishes, but washing a dish by hand doesn't take long."

AITA: 'I don't trust my partner with the dishwasher, but still expect him to do the dishes by hand.'

He told my mom and girlfriend about how I use my phone to automate when I text them or send gifts, and now they're both really pissed at me. They both say they felt like I had been putting in so much effort to be thoughtful and caring despite how busy I am, but it's all just been a facade and I'm just using my phone to automate it all.

'Your efforts mean nothing to us': Man Schedules Thoughtful Messages to Girlfriend and Mother, They Throw a Fit When They Find Out He Doesn't Spontaneously Think of Them Throughout His Busy Day

I hate house chores and I would rather buy homemaking gadgets and hire staff no matter the cost than have to do chores myself. I told my bf's mom all this and it caused an argument that eventually ruined dinner and in extension our visit.

AITA: ‘Pass a Wifey Test or We Can’t Get Married.’: Girlfriend Called Difficult for Refusing to Participate in Boyfriend’s Family Tradition of the Housewife Test

'Don't be weak, just be a man!' : Pregnant wife unphased by husband's tears after forbidding him to attend birth of their son, tells him to ‘man up’

'Don't be weak, just be a man!' : Pregnant wife unphased by husband's tears after forbidding him to attend birth of their son, tells him to ‘man up’

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

AITA: ‘He acts like I’m a burden' : Entitled girlfriend expects parental treatment from husband, he sets an ultimatum: ‘Change, or we break up’

She said she stopped doing it because she didn't want it to affect her career, and she thought I knew about it already. I told a few of my friends about it.  Long story short, the photos somehow got into the hands of the school board, and Sarah was fired for "unprofessional behavior". Sarah is devastated and blames me for ruining her career.

AITA: ‘I never meant for this to happen': Man Finds Out His Girlfriend Used to be a Lingerie Model, Tells His Friends and “Accidently” Ruins Her Dream Career

 AITA: 'Being a third wheel in your own house sucks': Entitled roommate insists that her boyfriend can sleep over as much as he wants, claiming her friend should just get over it

AITA: 'Being a third wheel in your own house sucks': Entitled roommate insists that her boyfriend can sleep over as much as he wants, claiming her friend should just get over it

AITA: 'I walked out, leaving her with a $600 bill' : Man leaves broke girlfriend stranded at high end restaurant on her birthday after finding out she has a kid

AITA: 'I walked out, leaving her with a $600 bill' : Man leaves broke girlfriend stranded at high end restaurant on her birthday after finding out she has a kid

13 screenshots from a Reddit post about a girlfriend that refuses to learn sign language in order to communicate with her boyfriend's mute daughter | Thumbnail includes a pink and orange water color painted background with a screenshot of a Reddit post 'AITA calling my girlfriend selfish for refusing to learn sign-language for my daughter My daughter Ruby was born mute. She can understand words, but we use sign language to communicate. While she can use her ph'

‘She Can Text Me’ : Selfish Girlfriend Refuses to Learn Sign Language in Order to Communicate With Boyfriend’s Mute Daughter, Says It’s ‘Unnecessary’ and ‘Coddling’

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a momma's boy asks Reddit if it would be bad if he left his pregnant girlfriend and moved in with his mom in order to save money 'AITA for leaving my pregnant girlfriend temporarily to save money? I (28M) wasn't thinking and I moved out from my mom's and in with this girl and immediately got her (26F) pregnant after just 6 months of dating'

28-Year-Old Man Child Leaves His Mother's Nest Only To Accidentally Impregnate His New Girlfriend, Doesn't Have A Stable Job Nor Income And Is Now Asking Reddit If He'd Be An AH If He Moved Back With His Mommy To Save Some Money

Tell Us You're Still In Love With Your Ex Without Saying You're Still In Love With Your Ex | The big thing is both of them come from different backgrounds Financially Olivias life has been good Josie grew up in poverty both her parents OD when she young Josie her friend talked about the kids who get in good colleges because their parents have a lot of money I told her she was just jealous of Olivia again and maybe if Josie had balanced her time better she could have made it in a school like that

Tell Us You're Still In Love With Your Ex Without Saying You're Still In Love With Your Ex

Husband Makes Demeaning Jokes Misrepresenting His Wife's Better New Career, Complains When She Corrects Him | caption reads - "He said that he will always support my dreams when I brought up the idea, and he would help more around the house so I had time for classes. He was also quite proud when I graduated, but now it seems to have flipped a bit. He doesn't seem to like my job very much and has told me that I should have focused more on helping people instead of helping the fish."

Husband Makes Demeaning Jokes Misrepresenting His Wife's Better New Career, Complains When She Corrects Him