

Crazy things men have done to get their exes back | thumbnail text - Font - SnooPickles4103 · 1d Sent me $700 on Venmo out of nowhere Imao. Wish he sent more tbh

The Craziest Ways Men Tried To Get Their Exes Back

Beyond insane
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Toxic relationship | thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwradinner3455 6 hours ago 2 2 2 3 3 创10 AITA For refusing to apologize for throwing away my dinner instead of letting my fiance have it? I f22 have been with my fiance m20 for 2 years and recently got engaged. I handle cooking while he takes care of other stuff including rent and utility.

Fiance Spits In Woman's Food After She Refuses To Share, Then Demands Apology From Her

Toxic relationship alert
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