
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Father disconnects from daughter after she refused to let him walk her down the aisle at her wedding, she begs him for forgiveness in light of her first child being born: “She’s been calling a lot and crying”

Father disconnects from daughter after she refused to let him walk her down the aisle at her wedding, she begs him for forgiveness in light of her first child being born: “She’s been calling a lot and crying”

Mother of 3 refuses to do husband's laundry for good after he complains about her laundering methods as she recovers from surgery: ‘That's your problem’

Mother of 3 refuses to do husband's laundry for good after he complains about her laundering methods as she recovers from surgery: ‘That's your problem’

Entitled couple leaves 12-year-old son at friend's house to go on a date, ignores texts from family that he's overstayed his welcome: "This was never a part of the plan"

Entitled couple leaves 12-year-old son at friend's house to go on a date, ignores texts from family that he's overstayed his welcome: "This was never a part of the plan"

Girlfriend refuses to respect boyfriend's weekly laundry ritual, her insistence on crossing boundaries reveals red flags in relationship: "This isn't just about laundry"

Girlfriend refuses to respect boyfriend's weekly laundry ritual, her insistence on crossing boundaries reveals red flags in relationship: "This isn't just about laundry"

Grandmother bequeaths wedding ring to granddaughter, only for grandson’s entitled fiancee to try to steal it, she refuses to give it up: “You’re being selfish”

Grandmother bequeaths wedding ring to granddaughter, only for grandson’s entitled fiancee to try to steal it, she refuses to give it up: “You’re being selfish”

Couple’s godchildren get dumped on them, the wife wants to put them up for adoption, but he puts his foot down: “I knew you’d change your mind about having kids”

Couple’s godchildren get dumped on them, the wife wants to put them up for adoption, but he puts his foot down: “I knew you’d change your mind about having kids”

“I rolled my eyes at her when she asked me for compassion”: Woman apathetic when ex’s new wife attempts to bond with stepchildren, she gets court ordered to stop forcing the relationship

“I rolled my eyes at her when she asked me for compassion”: Woman apathetic when ex’s new wife attempts to bond with stepchildren, she gets court ordered to stop forcing the relationship

Single mom donates over $2k in baby items to her cousin who's having twins, cousin sells the baby items on Facebook hours later: ‘I feel... bamboozled’

Single mom donates over $2k in baby items to her cousin who's having twins, cousin sells the baby items on Facebook hours later: ‘I feel... bamboozled’

‘I'm officially done’: Woman cuts off family after entitled cousin disrespects woman's partner and turns father's side of the family against her, who disinvite her from a girls' trip

‘I'm officially done’: Woman cuts off family after entitled cousin disrespects woman's partner and turns father's side of the family against her, who disinvite her from a girls' trip

17-year-old dragged into court case when father’s girlfriend’s ex demands he babysit for his children, teenager refuses: “I’ve never met this guy, he asked me to do it like we knew each other”

17-year-old dragged into court case when father’s girlfriend’s ex demands he babysit for his children, teenager refuses: “I’ve never met this guy, he asked me to do it like we knew each other”

Man unplugs fiancée's phone charger without permission, despite his phone being at 4% and hers at 100%, she freaks out: “It’s still about negotiable etiquette”

Man unplugs fiancée's phone charger without permission, despite his phone being at 4% and hers at 100%, she freaks out: “It’s still about negotiable etiquette”

Reddit reddit story aita parenting parents children kids women mother Father Siblings family family drama petty revenge petty-revenge-reddit wife husband

Mother refuses to cook kids and husband dinner after she comes home from work only to find a mess in the kitchen: ‘I can’t really do much in a dirty kitchen’

Woman refuses to foster a relationship with friend's new baby after friend ignores her for an entire month: ‘I didn’t usually call her out but this time I did’

Woman refuses to make an effort with friend's new baby after friend ignores her for an entire month: ‘I didn’t usually call her out but this time I did’

Parents demand 24-year-old move back with them after years of no contact, he refuses and tells them off: “Moving away from you was the best decision I ever made”

Parents demand 24-year-old move back with them after years of no contact, he refuses and tells them off: “Moving away from you was the best decision I ever made”

“You’re abandoning him”: Aunt refuses to pay nephew’s college tuition after he fails to meet her excessive expectations, his mother gets involved and a sisterly feud erupts

“You’re abandoning him”: Aunt refuses to pay nephew’s college tuition after he fails to meet her excessive expectations, his mother gets involved and a sisterly feud erupts

Man sees ex kiss his current partner and gets inflamed with jealousy, he tattles to ex’s family who go against their own kid: “You both need to apologize”

Man sees ex kiss his current partner and gets inflamed with jealousy, he tattles to ex’s family who go against their own kid: “You both need to apologize”