

Let's face it, if you're searching NSFW, you are either very brave, very alone, or very at home. But if you are that industrious employee who doesn't stop at a puny firewall, journey forward and indulge in everything raunchy rowdy and anything in between.

People Admit Times They Were Completely Oblivious To Someone Flirting With Them| Thumbnail text - onlywanted2readapost · 5h The night I lost my virginity I turned down a threesome because I thought they were kidding. G Reply 4 758

People Admit Times They Were Completely Oblivious To Someone Flirting With Them

Major airhead moments
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psycho roommate tweets | thumbnail text - @korpieann your roommate text u from her bedroom as u walk in the door "ignore my dildo on the kitchen counter while you and your friends cook lunch please" then she wanna act like u crazy... ???? 7:19 PM · Aug 10, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

The Worst Psycho Roommates Of 2021

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em
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8 People Share Their Worst Sexual Experience| thumbnail text - "A dude I hooked up with fingered me so hard (and not in a good, fun way) that he shifted my IUD and I had to go to the hospital a few days later because it almost punctured my uterus. So, yeah."

8 People Share Their Worst Sexual Experience

Some serious tea
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tinder messages | thumbnail text - YOU MATCHED WITH DOG ON 12/8/18 Wooffff, Awwweeeee good girl!!! Want me to rub your belly? Yessss sat did you just talk? Sent Woof

The Most Ridiculous Exchanges That Went Down On Tinder This Week

Tinder is prime entertainment
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funny comments on pornhub - thumbnail includes two images of egg in frying pan and woman and man on bus | here2observe hello made account on here just say hes made worst eggs ever seen. couldn't concentrate after saw abomination | She didn't even tell the bus driver thank you

Wholesome, Funny And Disturbing Comments Found On Pornhub

The human side to porn
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askmen thread | thmbnail text - u_creative_username · 15h While pointing on the back of your head: "Hey is your hair getting thinner?"

Men Discuss The Type Of Comments That Would Completely Break Their Self-Confidence

Thinning hair is a sensitive topic
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10 Fascinating Facts About Female Masturbation| thumbnail text - 7. There's even some evidence that masturbation might increase the release of disease-fighting white blood cells, making it possibly the best cold remedy ever.

10 Fascinating Facts About Female Masturbation

Flying solo is good for you
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When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - Several days later my mom mentioned at the dinner table that the entire neighborhood was sent an email saying the cameras caught two people in an 'indecent act' at the community pool at 3 AM and how it is unacceptable.

Woman Nearly Caught On Camera Doing The Dirty In A Community Pool

Pics or it didn't happen
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People Reveal Orgasmic Feelings That Aren't Sexual At All| thumbnail text - supadupa82 · 1h The moment when you've been congested all day and one nostril finally opens.

People Reveal Orgasmic Feelings That Aren't Sexual At All

Nothing like warm laundry
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Woman Makes Fake LinkedIn To Message Ex's Boss About His Private Parts| thumbnail text - I was not going to be one of my best friend's stepdad. That's f*cking weird.

Woman Makes Fake LinkedIn To Message Ex's Boss About His Private Parts

The lengths people will go to sabotage
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tinder messages | thumbnail text -  Today 9:43 PM Ay i heard you like nerds Well, not to brag or anything, but I was pretty bullied in high school *finger guns

15 Tinder Conversations That Made Us Want To Redownload The App Solely For Entertainment

Tinder is prime entertainment
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Some Real Deal Science Behind The Art Of Dealing With A F*** Boy| thumbnail text - 1.The amygdala, the part of your brain that controls fear responses, shows less activity when you're in love. The frontal cortex of your brain is responsible for judgment and predicting future outcomes. When you're falling for someone, that cortex goes dark (figuratively).

Some Real Deal Science Behind The Art Of Dealing With A F*** Boy

Get out your pencils and pens
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People Expose The Dumbest Things They Said Whilst Doing The Dirty| thumbnail text - ImpulseDecider · 20h Male "Why do you even want to have sex with me?" I said this to a girl when I was in my early 20s, we proceeded to stare each other for a good minutes then she asked me to take her home.

People Expose The Dumbest Things They Said Whilst Doing The Dirty

It's tough to be in the moment
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careers in which men get laid the most | thmbnail text - perpulstuph · 16h Nurses apparently. Imagine being a 20 something male in a sea of other 20 something women. Not me, I'm 30, married and shy, but I keep hearing stories of the occasional male nurse or EMT who slept around a hospital.

Careers In Which Men Allegedly Get Laid The Most

Everybody loves a sexy bartender
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people reveal their exe's fetishes which did absolutely nothing for them | thumbnail text - SilentHillNA 7 months ago Biting. Normally I am more than happy with that. But he would do so unexpectedly, no warning, and hard enough that it would bruise or break skin. Oh and he would do like a shark, shaking his head back and forth hard. And in usually the most sensitive places. That's takes the fun out of it and set me on edge so much that I couldn't get off because I was always ready for the next b

People Reveal Their Exes Fetishes Which Totally Turned Them Off

Being weirded out by your exes kinks
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ways people got laid | thumbnail text - Human body - MONKEH1142 · 7h Spent the evening jokingly pretending to be Irish and married with an also completely non Irish lady in the smokers corner. Many jokes were had. She put her arms around my shoulders and said "take me home paddy and show me that you love me". So I did.

Ridiculous Ways People Managed To Get Laid

The bar is low
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