
father mother dad mom deadbeat ex ex-wife spouse daughter homeless drama family-drama family relationships games toxic toxic-ex marriage parenting custody freeloading

'She says I'm a horrible father': Divorced dad refuses to allow his deadbeat ex move in to his house, forcing her and his daughter into homelessness

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a man that recently found out he has an 18 year old daughter because she showed up on his door step | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dad and a daughter covering his eyes 'She's really only a stranger reaching out for cash...'

'WIBTA If I didn't pay for my child's education?' : Man Finds Out He Has an 18 Year Old Daughter After She Shows up at His Door Asking For Tuition Money

20 screenshots from a Reddit post where a mother asks reddit if she did the right thing for not punishing her 7-year-old daughter for having more than one fake boyfriend | Thumbnail includes a purple and orange gradient background and a screenshot of text 'AITA for not punishing my 7 yo daughter for her play-relationships? My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a "boyfriend", Lucas. They are both 7, so it's obviously not a real'

AITA : 'I'm not raising a cheater' : Unhinged Husband Pressures Wife to Punish 7-Year-Old Daughter for Having More Than 1 Play Boyfriends, Insists She Needs a Lesson in Faithfulness

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where a pregnant wife shares the story of how her husband never comes to any doctor appointments and instead just finds excuses 'AITA for refusing to tell my husband the gender of our baby after he skipped going to the dr appointment with me? Last week was my final straw. He was supposed to come with me for the baby's gender reveal appointment but he chose to not come last minute because his friend invited him to fish 'n' chips meal. I was pretty livid'

'Deadbeat dad before the baby is even born': Pregnant Wife Refuses To Tell Husband The Gender Of Their Baby After He Ditched Her For Fish N Chips With The Boys

‘What Is SHE Doing Here?!’ : Son Mortified When His Parents Invite His Ex Girlfriend to Breakfast Without Telling Him

‘What Is SHE Doing Here?!’ : Son Mortified When His Parents Invite His Ex Girlfriend to Breakfast Without Telling Him

‘But I Don’t Know How to Decorate a Christmas Tree’ Husband Gives Pregnant Wife Dumb Excuses to Avoid Helping Her 'Do Her Job'

‘But I Don’t Know How to Decorate a Christmas Tree’ : Husband Gives Pregnant Wife Dumb Excuses to Avoid Helping Her 'Do Her Job'

Father Forces Daughter To Move Bedrooms So That His Son Can Takeover Her Room

Father Forces Daughter To Move Bedrooms So That His Son Can Take Over Her Room

BF Calls Everyone In His Family To See If They Would Lie For Him About Where He Was Last Night In Front Of His GF

BF Calls Everyone In His Family To See If They Would Lie For Him About Where He Was Last Night In Front Of His GF

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/Superb-Block-7006 22 hours ago 23 22 3 2 AITA yelling at my brother--law at his future child's gender reveal

Immature Father-To-Be Fuming When He Discovers The Baby Is A Girl At Gender Reveal Party

This Motherhood Thing Is Not What I Expected It To Be| thumbnail text - woman, i am actively looking forward to the end of maternity leave, so i can finally catch a break

This Motherhood Thing Is Not What I Expected It To Be

Funniest Parenting Tweets We Saw This Past Week (April 8, 2022)| thumbnail text - That Mom Tho @mom_tho *giving my birthdate at the pharmacy 9: mom were you born in the 1900s? me: don't ever speak to me that way again

Funniest Parenting Tweets We Saw This Past Week (April 8, 2022)

Man Refuses To Buy His Pregnant Wife A Mother’s Day Gift Because Doesn’t ‘Qualify’ For One Yet| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/UTVols1557 • 12h 2 O 1 WIBTA if I didn't get my pregnant wife a Mother's Day present when our baby isn't due till mid June?

Man Refuses To Buy His Pregnant Wife A Mother’s Day Gift Because She Doesn’t ‘Qualify’ For One Yet

Man Fires Teen Babysitter Because Of Her 'Revealing Outfits'| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/indecentbabysitter • 14h 1 1 AITA for firing the babysitter for being a bad influence

Man Fires Teen Babysitter Because Of Her 'Revealing Outfits'

Delusional Man Exploits His 71-Year-Old Grandfather To Potentially Go Viral On His YouTube Channel| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Dull-Ad1419 5 hours ago AITA for deleting my husbands YouTube channel?

Delusional Man Exploits His 71-Year-Old Grandfather To Potentially Go Viral On His YouTube Channel

Funniest Dad Tweets We Saw This Past Week (March 22, 2022)| thumbnail text - NicholasG @Dad_At_Law It's dad law that if you encounter a group of children building a sand castle at the beach, you have to ask them if they have the appropriate permits. 1:01 AM · Mar 15, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Funniest Dad Tweets We Saw This Past Week (March 22, 2022)

Woman Fuming When Fiancé Doesn't Take Money From Abusive Father For Wedding| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Agitated-Welcome2502 1 day ago AITA for taking a major financial decision without the input of my fiacée? Not the A-hole

Manipulative Woman Tries To Make Fiancé Take Money From Abusive Father For Their Wedding