
stories of people flashing professionals by mistake - cover pic tweet about woman who unnecessarily took off pants and underwear when getting hip tattoo | sarah schauer @sarahschauer having bad flashback time got my hip tattoo and took off my pants and underwear and tattoo artist said absolutely did not need

Woman Unnecessarily Flashed Tattoo Artist, Inspires Others To Reveal Similar Mistakes

stories of strange things proctologists have removed from people's butts - cover pic "A statue made of fusili pasta of this random comedian"

Proctologists Reveal Strangest Things They Removed From A Butt

awkward notifications people received when someone was holding their phone - cover pic story about wife texting about a threesome while showing baby pics | TheDeadGunslinger 2.5k points 2 days ago showing my coworker picture my son my girlfriend at time who is now my wife sent text something along lines having threesome.

Worst Notifications People Received Whilst Someone Had Their Phone

pop art illustration of guy at desk dreaming about a car - funny story about bad date and how he didn't stop talking about race cars "He wouldn't shut. the. F*CK. UP about race cars. He was looking for a woman to support his passion by taking on all financial responsibilities and give up on having kids. All for his budding racing career."

My Dating Nightmare: Man-Child ONLY Spoke About Race Cars, Then Threw Insults At Me

pop art illustration of guy in car - funny story about bad date and all the things he lied about | "He spoke about his debilitating ADHD, his dates with several women who went to rehab for alcohol abuse, and how he has never left the country, and has ZERO desire to so."

My Dating Nightmare: Guy Was A Compulsive Liar, Still Living At His Parents

pop art illustration about awkwardness of NYC one-night stand - funny story about guy's roommate seeing her naked in the morning | IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I FELT MORTIFYING REGRET OF A ONE NIGHT STAND l woke up and found myself standing completely naked in front of a strange man almost equally as exposed as I was save for his tighty whities sleeping on the futon.

My Dating Nightmare: Guy's 40-Year-Old Roommate Saw Me Naked

redditors reveal what happened when their parents walked in on them having sex - cover pic not my parents but her parents. I yelled out loud "we were westling". Very awkwar

Redditors Reveal: People Whose Parents Walked In On Them Having Sex

women reveal crazy summer hookups - cover image “While camping in a remote area on the Great Wall of China, I hit it off with a guy. We wandered off by ourselves, one thing led to another and before I knew it I was bent over. Yes, I had sex on the Great Wall of China.”

My Dating Nightmare: Real Women Reveal Their Crazy Summer Hookups

real stories of the worst things people experienced during sex - cover image while having sex an elderly woman asked if we were ok

Worst Things People Experienced During Sex

story about bad online dating fails - cover image woman describes how she received inappropriate pics after number was posted on Craigslist and doxxed | "l began receiving an overwhelming amount of d*ck pics from unknown numbers. Someone had posted an ad on Craigslist with my phone number saying I was down to f*ck tonight."

My Nightmare Date Put My Number Online For Strangers To Send Me Inappropriate Pics

story about bad online dating fails - cover image woman describes guy who tried to kiss her and then licked her face | "Craig went in for a kiss. I awkwardly turned my head. He came in for what I thought was another kiss...Then slowly ran his tongue right up my nose. I could feel his wet slobber drench my face."

My Dating Nightmare: Guy Bailed, Then Licked My Face ON PURPOSE

funny messages florists had to write on cards with flowers - reddit post sorry I knocked up your friend | xelo_pyke 808 points 10 hours ago My fiancee is florist. She often sends ridiculous messages she's been asked attach flower orders. My personal favorite so far Sorry knocked up friend David."

Florists Reveal Worst Card Messages They've Had To Deliver With Flowers

woman reveals bad date about guy with porn addiction cover image guy dragging bag of baggage | AND THAT IS HOW I ENDED up BROKE AND IN THERAPY! "He disclosed how his debilitating addiction to porn had caused him to lose his job and ultimately ruin his life."

My Dating Nightmare: Guy Was A Broke, Recovering Porn Addict

woman reveals bad date about guy who lived in minivan and wanted to use her shower cover image of man asking woman to use her shower | IT WAS LOVELY MEETING you CAN PLEASE USE YOUR SHOWER?

My Dating Nightmare: Dude Lived In A Minivan And Asked To Shower At My Place

girl misunderstands what insurance agent means when he asks for pics | Sometime midmorning following day (today *hem hem check my email and find THIS response Hi Alyssa am going need pictures like just took, except needs be vehicle As can see didn't send pictures my car sent him pictures myself

Girl Misunderstands Insurance Agent’s Request For Car Pics, Sends Pics Of Herself Instead

dating nightmare mailman sexually graphic mood killer bad dates great stories dating apps funny single society New York City | comic cartoon woman holding a finger to her lips you EVER MEET A MAN AND IT'S SO OBVIOUS THAT NO ONE HAS EVER TOW HIM TO SHUT THE F*CK UP?

My Dating Nightmare: Sexually Graphic Mailman Was A Total Mood Killer