
Funniest Women's Tweets We Saw This Past Week (March 28, 2022)| thumbnail text - BRIANA ROY O @Realbrianaroy He blocked me on everything, he must wanna see me in person. 11:52 PM · 3/21/22 · Twitter for iPhone

Funniest Women's Tweets We Saw This Past Week (March 28, 2022)

Man Fires Teen Babysitter Because Of Her 'Revealing Outfits'| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/indecentbabysitter • 14h 1 1 AITA for firing the babysitter for being a bad influence

Man Fires Teen Babysitter Because Of Her 'Revealing Outfits'

People Reveal How They Found Out They Were Being Cheated On| thumbnail text - E-lated · 12h He only wore cologne for special events. I had just cleaned our bathroom cabinets and organized everything. A few days later, I noticed his cologne bottle had slightly moved. Dug out his clothes from the previous night and found makeup all over his shirt's shoulder. I didn't wear that kind of makeup. The cologne bottle never lies.

People Reveal How They Found Out They Were Being Cheated On

Woman Scolded By Grumpy Stranger For Eating Her Airplane Meal 'Before Everyone Else Was Served'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwaway373039 12 hours ago AITA for eating before everyone else was served?

Woman Scolded By Grumpy Stranger For Eating Her Airplane Meal 'Before Everyone Else Was Served'

7 Times People Were Creepily Possessive After a First Date| thumbnail text - Went out with a girl I met on Bumble. Not even an hour into the evening she shared with me how she wasn't looking to waste time and explained to me that she wanted to get her eggs/hormones checked out and if I was interested in seeing her again, would I be to getting my sperm count checked as well." open

7 Times People Were Creepily Possessive After a First Date

Funniest Adulting Memes We Saw This Week (March 24, 2022)| thumbnail text - When I say "I'll let you know" In conclusion, I ain't coming, I just want a job mon-friday 7am to 7:05am $2,500 a minute nothin too crazy sweetpsycho

Funniest Adulting Memes We Saw This Week (March 24, 2022)

Parents Tweet The Funniest Ways Their Kids Mispronounced Things| thumbnail text - Jessie •.. @mommajessiec I love when kids rename things. For example, my kids call snacks "nackies" and granola bars “nolas" and homemade meals "do we have 99 anything else to eat" 8:00 AM · Feb 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Parents Tweet The Funniest Ways Their Kids Mispronounced Things

Entitled Brother Expects His Sister To Pay For His Wedding, Even After Uninviting Her| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Technical_Tiger29 hours ago 3 2 AITA for not expecting my daughter to pay for her brother/my younger son's wedding after she was disinvited due to fiancée?

Entitled Brother Expects His Sister To Pay For His Wedding, Even After Uninviting Her

10 Times Guys Were Super Cheap on a Date| thumbnail text - "A guy invited me to a baseball game for a date. He asked me to reimburse him for the ticket. I found out later that he gets the tickets for free from work."

10 Times Guys Were Super Cheap on a Date

Hostile Pregnant Woman Wants To Name Her First Child After Poop, Coworker Tries To Warn her| thumbnail text - Posted by u/overbearingbeachball 8 hours ago WIBTA for telling a woman she plans on naming her baby after poop?

Hostile Pregnant Woman Wants To Name Her First Child After Poop, Coworker Tries To Warn her

People Reveal Things From Their Childhood That 'Kids These Days' Wouldn't Understand| thumbnail text - Fearless_Associate_5 · 14 hr. ago The Wizard of Oz was on once a year, and if we missed it we had to wait another year to see it

People Reveal Things From Their Childhood That 'Kids These Days' Wouldn't Understand

Woman Fuming When Fiancé Doesn't Take Money From Abusive Father For Wedding| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Agitated-Welcome2502 1 day ago AITA for taking a major financial decision without the input of my fiacée? Not the A-hole

Manipulative Woman Tries To Make Fiancé Take Money From Abusive Father For Their Wedding

Funniest Memes For People Struggling Through This Thing Called 'Adulting'| Thumbnail text - Prime Minister of TwiterNG u @fonmand Before 6pm everyday, do 45 sit ups and 30 push ups Omoniyi Israel @omoissy Why

Funniest Memes For People Struggling Through This Thing Called 'Adulting'

A Realistic Get Ready With Me For A Job Interview| thumbnail text - A realistic get ready with me for a job interview, woman

A Realistic Get Ready With Me For A Job Interview

Immature Guy Cannot Stop Referring To His Sister-In-Law's Breast Reduction As A 'Tragedy'| thumbnail text - Posted by u/whatsaidtohim 19 hours ago AITA for being too mean on my brother after his comment about my wife's body when he's going through a hard divorce? Not the A-hole

Immature Guy Cannot Stop Referring To His Sister-In-Law's Breast Reduction As A 'Tragedy'

When I Found Out My Date Was Actually Married' | thumbnail text - Posted by u/CraftyHold598 10 hours ago AITA for naming my kids without their dads input and refusing to change it when he disagreed?

Absent Father Fuming When He Has No Say In Naming His Children