

'Don't worry, I don't go for looks':  Ladies of Reddit Discuss the Most Memorable Backhanded Compliments Men Have Ever Offered

'Don't worry, I don't go for looks': Ladies of Reddit Discuss the Most Memorable Backhanded Compliments Men Have Ever Offered

In life, there are certain things we would rather laugh at than grieve over. For instance, backhanded compliments, which leave you scratching your head in confusion. Rather than take insulting remarks from random people personally, we've assembled a list of some of the cruelest—and hence funniest—statements we could possibly find. That being said, we girlies are such a close-knit group that any disrespect towards one of us has an equal impact on the rest of us. As you can see from the comments…
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‘I married you because you’re a Catholic and can’t divorce me’: And Other Wild Statements in Dating That Made the Person Run For the Hills

‘I married you because you’re a Catholic and can’t divorce me’: And Other Wild Statements in Dating That Made the Person Run For the Hills

Oh, just another dose of people's crazy.
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‘A firefighter took me to watch him fight fire…’: Cheezburger Community Share Funniest Stories About the Weirdest Dates They Have Ever Been On

‘A firefighter took me to watch him fight fire…’: Cheezburger Community Share Funniest Stories About the Weirdest Dates They Have Ever Been On

Literal hot date...
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Men Reveal Their Favorite Girly Girl Movies and it's Hilariously Wholesome

30+ Men Reveal Their Favorite Girly Girl Movies and it's Hilariously Wholesome

brb, forcing my boyfriend to watch all of these with me
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red-flag red-flags golden-retriever golden-retrievers golden-retriever-boyfriend boyfriend girlfriend relationships toxic toxicity opinion debate comments doubt beige flag drama trauma love

'Where can I get one' vs. 'Anyone else feel the toxicity?': Boyfriend shares what it's like to be the golden retriever in his relationship, but red flag doubters lurk in the comments sparking fevered debate

I never knew golden retriever BF's had so many 🚩
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Reddit story about husband who insists on shopping for groceries at food banks regardless of his 200k yearly income, the wife thinks it's wrong and needs space | Thumbnail is a picture of a fully stocked fridge with various fruits and vegetables like bananas, pears, peaches, broccoli, and kale, with a sheer text box and text with a black outline and light peach color that says, 'I'd lose all respect for my husband if I found out he was okay with stealing food from poor people'

‘Think about others for a change': Wife Hesitant to Take Food From Those in Need While Husband Is Determined to Shop Frugally, Despite His 200K Income

We get shopping cheap, but this takes things a little too far
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side-piece cheating cheater boyfriend girlfriend baby baby-mama secret secret-child secret-family debate comments other-woman reddit aita relationships relationship-drama baby-mama-drama

'OP is the side piece': Girl asks her long-term boyfriend about his secret daughter, sparking a flurry of red flags and debate in the comments

It started out with a kid, how did it end up like this? It was only a kid, it was only a kid.
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 Tea: Women Disclose What Their Biggest Insecurities Are In A Romantic Relationship

Women Disclose What Their Biggest Insecurities Are In A Romantic Relationship

Everyone is shy in the start of any relationship, don’t deny it.
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Millenials Show Off Their Millenial-ness On Tiktok Without Using Words| thumbnail text - - TikTok ethecorporatemama tell me that you're a millenial without telling me that you're a millenial 10

Millennials Show Off Their 'Millennial-ness' On TikTok Without Using Words

Some things simply speak for themselves
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'Bridezilla' Expects All Guests To Gift Her $400, Gets Utterly Roasted Online| thumbnail text - - Hey everyone!!e So we are all aware that my wedding is coming up in October!!!! I've already sent out all the invitations. Meaning most of you have gotten them! thanks for those who have RSVP'd already. If you have not, then please RSVP by Sunday otherwise we're not going to be able to have you.

'Bridezilla' Expects All Guests To Gift Her $400, Gets Utterly Roasted Online

Not your regular RSVP message
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funny comments on pornhub - thumbnail includes two images of egg in frying pan and woman and man on bus | here2observe hello made account on here just say hes made worst eggs ever seen. couldn't concentrate after saw abomination | She didn't even tell the bus driver thank you

Wholesome, Funny And Disturbing Comments Found On Pornhub

The human side to porn
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askmen thread | thmbnail text - u_creative_username · 15h While pointing on the back of your head: "Hey is your hair getting thinner?"

Men Discuss The Type Of Comments That Would Completely Break Their Self-Confidence

Thinning hair is a sensitive topic
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Creepy things men do and say to women that need to stop| text - Rectangle - Scrappy_Larue 1 year ago "Where's my hug?" 38.1k Share •.. Mjarf88 1 year ago S If you have to force a hug you don't have a "hug level relationship" with that person. Font - -kez 1 year ago "If I was x years younger.." 2.3k Share ...

Creepy Things Guys Do Without Realizing Are Creepy

That fine line between creepy and romantic...
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Tumblr Comments Which Were Even Funnier Than The Original Post| thumbnail text -  ewaneneollav Follow dark ouside huh? :) thats because its winter now. & if you listen i can tell you more. about this world bakwaaas Follow this is how men speak to women

Tumblr Comments That Were Even Funnier Than What They Were Commenting On

Something about a clever and timely clap-back is so funny
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TikTok Users Disclose Toxic Comebacks That Can Be Used Against Even More Toxic Boys| thumbnail text - girls if u need toxic things to say to boys check the comments d TikTok @emmaj_mason

TikTok Users Disclose Toxic Comebacks That Can Be Used Against Even More Toxic Boys

For those moments you wish you had something clever to say
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rude and unwelcome comments people made to pregnant women | thumbnail Text - mizrodeo 2.9k points · 5 years ago My husband and I announced that we were pregnant to the family this Easter. At the time I was 12 weeks along. Last October we lost our first pregnancy at 11 weeks and it was horrible! His grandmother had the nerve to respond " well, I mean, it's not as exciting as the first time you were pregnant but at least you're farther along than the last". I cried in the guest room

Rude, Unwelcome Comments People Made To Pregnant Women

The sheer audacity of some people...
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